After a week of college classes, many things have crossed my mind. Here are the top five things I have thought about during syllabus week.
When Is The Next Time I Will Eat?
Do you hear that? That's my stomach dying for some food. This first week I probably have only made it to the dining hall a handful of times. Between classes, work, and the inconvenient dining hall hours, I pretty much only eat once a day. Sitting through a three hour lecture on an empty stomach, makes me one hangry college student.
When Is Nap Time?
Waking up early for an 8AM and then having three back to back classes can take a lot of energy out on someone. When your professor is talking about his divorce he got two years ago and his son who made it into college at the age of 14, it is hard not to doze off.
Wait What Did The Professor Just Say?
This semester, I have been having a really rough time understanding my professors. I have a lot of professors who don't speak english or use a low quality microphone for 200 student lectures. My grade depends on the words that come out of their mouths so if they talk to fast and I miss what they say, my grade goes down the drain.
Should I Drop This Class Now Or Later?
So this week, I went to the wrong class. My schedule said 301, but it was changed to 101 so I ran to the right class and I was one minute late. The professor put me on blast and called me out in front of everyone. He continued to be rude to everyone in class and the class was too intense. I was about to drop the class while I was in it.
Why Is This Girl Wearing Club Clothes?
When I roll into class in my pajamas, hair up, and no make up, I expect other girls in my class to do the same. I am very surprised to see girls walking in with crop tops and skirts to class. Is there a party this morning? I will be partying in the library!
The first week of classes was definitely interesting. So many thoughts came to mind when I really should have been paying attention in class. I'm sure it will only get worse.