Five Things To Remember When Packing For School | The Odyssey Online
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Five Things To Remember When Packing For School


It's almost time to pack up your stuff and return to the promise land. Here are some tips.

1. Limit the number of t-shirts you pack. If you don't already know, being at school means that you receive a disturbingly large amount of free t-shirts. Most campus events will give out free stuff, whether it's food or shirts. Sometimes I would attend these events just for the free shirt. I wouldn't even really want it, but of course I'll take it because it's free. This leaves you with a lot of shirts you'll never wear taking up precious space in your dresser or closet. Save yourself the space and pick and choose your favorites, then leave the rest at home.

2. Don't buy an iron. Just buy Downy Wrinkle Releaser spray. You spray it on your clothes, shake them out and hang them up. Within minutes, wrinkles have subsided enough for your clothes to be deemed worthy of wearing in public. Anyone can do it, and you're much less likely to burn or set fire to anything. Sorry about the product placement, but this stuff will change your life. And once again, you will save yourself closet space. 

3. You probably won't cook very much.  Even if your building has a kitchen you're allowed to use, you won't use it very often. Unless you live in an apartment or suite with a kitchen, it will be more of a hassle than anything else. You can save yourself the trouble of buying ingredients and other cooking supplies. Leave the culinary arts to Bobbly Flay; you'll save money, time and space. Make use of the meal plan you're paying for! This is one of the only times in your life where you won't have to cook for yourself. 

4. If you strange clothing items bring them. I know this sounds weird, but there are tons of theme parties and other excuses for you to wear those galaxy print shorts or Hawaiian shirt. If you don't use them, a friend might ask to borrow. It might seem like you no longer have use for that high school wrestling singlet, but just you wait, you might need it. If you followed the previous three pieces of advice, you'll have saved yourself enough space to be able to bring those Reebok classics from '88 that you found in your basement.

5. Bring at least one item that reminds you of home. This kind of goes without saying, but where you have lived for the past 18 years of your life is what separates you from others at school. Yes, it's awesome to get away from home and go to school, but don't forget what got you there. It can be something simple and small, but it's important to bring a piece of home to your new home.

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