1. Stereotypes: We can thank the media for this one. Why is it that the mean girls and the dumb blondes in movies and television shows are almost always cheerleaders? This has given people the wrong impression of us, and has often caused a lack of respect for the sport and its athletes. Cheerleaders have to constantly work hard to break these generalizations.
left out when our friends are doing something fun with out us.
4. Balancing Commitments: On top of the time spent at practices and games, cheerleaders also have school, work and other extracurricular activities. Trying to manage all of these commitments at once can sometimes be overwhelming and stressful.
5.Saving Money:
Cheerleading is an expensive sport. Instead of spending our money at the mall
shopping for a cute new shirt to wear out on a Saturday night, we’re probably
at the Nike store buying athletic clothes for practice. Oh, and don’t forget
about all of the money cheerleaders spend on hairspray, makeup and IcyHot.