If you’re like me, watching a scary movie is a process that doesn’t start and end with just the movie itself. There is a lot of thought that goes into whether or not you should put yourself through the turmoil that is a horrifying film. The movie is an hour and a half of screaming and blood and overall terror. Not to mention that even when the fright is finally over, the petrifying plot line of the movie stays in your thoughts for a long time after. Here are the five stages of watching a scary movie!
1. Denial
You are convinced that your friends will decide on a different genre. No one wants to watch a scary movie anyway. They’ll change their minds.
2. Anger
To your dismay, they have chosen to stick with their original movie choice. You are not happy. You yell and scream, “NO!”.
3. Bargaining
They are not budging. You plead with them and beg that they don’t force you down this scary road.
4. Depression
You sit through the entire film, afraid to open your eyes fully. You are sad because you have really connected with a character, who was just brutally killed off.
5. Acceptance
The movie is finally over and it appears that you’re the only one in the room truly affected by the chilling narrative. You accept that you’ll be sleeping with the light on for the rest of your life.
Good luck out there! People keep making scary movies so, odds are, you'll keep watching 'em!