If you are anything like me, you were kind of dreading summer. I mean don't get me wrong summer is great. The warm weather, no homework (if you aren't taking a summer class), home cooked meals, relaxation, the tan. It's all great, but none of that compares to how much I actually miss school while I am home. I miss my friends, I miss all of the activity, the routine of everything, MY FRIENDS, the random adventures that only college allows, even the homework and classes. Wait, did I mention that I miss my friends? Because I do. I have only been home for a week and I am already ready to go back. But I don't want to sit around waiting to go back to school and not make the most of what could be my last summer at home.
It is true what people say, in high school everyone dreads the end of summer, but in college, everyone is counting down the days until move in day. And if you are a college student, this statement speaks to you. On our last night on campus, some of my friends and I sat up and tried to think of some goals for the summer. We knew that we were all going to miss being with each other so we decided that coming up with goals would help us make this summer great even though we would be apart. So here is what I have for you. Five challenges that will help you make the most of your summer, and hopefully help me do the same.
CHALLENGE 1: Find something that you are good at.
Find something that you are good at and do it. Get better at it. Hone your skills. Use it. It is summer, you probably don't have a ton going on. What better use of your spare time than to practice your talents? You could even try to discover a new talent and work on that. Just make sure that it is something that you enjoy and something that makes you happy, then you will be excited to get better and your passion for it will grow.
CHALLENGE 2: Stay Positive.
Keeping a positive outlook (especially for me) is going to be key in making the most of your summer. I am firm believer in the fact that your attitude towards a situation is the deciding factor of what your experience will be. If you have a negative attitude about it, then you will have a negative experience. If you have a positive attitude, then you will have a positive experience. So keep that in mind this summer when you are starting to feel negative. Good vibes only, right guys?
CHALLENGE 3: Stay Active.
Staying active. This one can be tough, but do your best to get out and do something. Whether it is going for a long run, a trip to the gym, or just casually taking your dog for a walk. Doing something is better than doing nothing. I'm not saying you have to go and become this crazy workout fanatic, but this is a challenge so challenge yourself.
CHALLENGE 4: Keep in touch
This one may not be as much of a challenge for some, but you may be surprised. You miss your friends like crazy, but a lot of times schedule and busyness take over and you don't do your best at keeping in contact with your friends from school. Now yes, with social media it is easy to keep up with what they are doing, but I mean really talking to them. I think that social media can sometimes create this pseudo feeling that we are staying in touch, when we really aren't. So the challenge here is, be intentional. It could be as simple as a "How was your day?" text or you can schedule a time to FaceTime (praise the Lord for FaceTime). Whatever it is, just be intentional. It will help with missing them all.
CHALLENGE 5: Grow Spiritually.
This one is last, but certainly not least. Spend more time with God. Read more books. Learn more. Really dig into your faith. Whatever will help you to grow, do it. It will help you get through the summer and it will help prepare you for the new school year to come.
There are so many more challenges that I could give you, but I think that these five combined will make for a great summer. The wonderful thing is that you can do each one your way, and put your own spin on them to make it the best possible summer for you.