By the time this is published, we'll all be moved out. I can't believe the year is over. I remember back on orientation weekend, you were the only people I associated with. I didn't talk to my group as much, but you let me hang around you and your friends. Thank you for that. Thank you for being my friends when I had nowhere else to go.
Back in August, I didn't know how I felt about living with three strangers. I knew nothing about any of you and that scared me more than anything. Little did I know that being stuck with the three of you would bring many adventures. Whether it was Paige yelling across the room at four in the morning to thank me for liking her Instagram picture or our little rant sessions to get stuff off my chest, you guys were always there. Thanks for all of the horrendous Snapchat photos that were also taken by Jess throughout the semester. I don't spend much time in the room, but the time that I do spend there gives me many memories that I'll never forget.
I will definitely miss coming back to the room late at night and having people still awake to talk to. There will be plenty of visits next year, and I still want all the tea. I want to hear all the stories. However, I won't miss coming back to the room to the smell of burnt plastic because you tried to make cinnamon rolls in the microwave. I remember walking down the hall that day wondering who was dumb enough to burn something, and once I walked into the room I knew that it was the source of the smell. I'm not holding a grudge, though.
Thanks for being pretty cool roommates. Even though it was really nice to have the room alone for a weekend, I'm sincerely going to miss living with you guys. Each one of you has taught me something different about myself, and I can't thank you enough for that. You taught me about life without even knowing it. I'll miss the constant support that I had from you guys, but I know I can still go to you if I need it. Also, to Amy, the honorary roommate, I'll miss hearing all your guy stories, so you'll need to keep me updated.
Have fun next year and in the future! Wherever the path may lead, I hope you're happy! I'll come visit so we can talk like normal, and make sure to come visit me too. I will miss living with you guys. Have a great summer and an even better sophomore year. Thank you for tolerating me for a year.
the long lost roommate