55 things to know going into your freshman year
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How To Survive Your First Game Day, And 56 Other Things Incoming Freshmen Should Know

Some of my tips for *all* aspects of college life

How To Survive Your First Game Day, And 56 Other Things Incoming Freshmen Should Know

I've spent the time to think of and put together a list of 57 things I think are important to know when coming to college for your first semester. From academics, studying, tailgating, outfits, self-care, hooking up and social life, I got you covered.

I went into detail for some, so if you want to just read the main points, read the bold!

1. Avoid the elevators, take the stairs.

If you do this, you can avoid having to take the elevators, because the lines to wait for elevators can be ridiculously long, especially if an elevator is out of service like on my move-in day. I was able to cut my move-in time by half because I carried most of my boxes up to my room by taking the stairs– and I was on the sixth floor, it's possible.

2. LEAVE. YOUR. DOOR. OPEN. (the first few days after move in)

If you leave your door open (while you and your roommate are both in the room of course, safety first) it is a signal to your floor mates that they can come in your room and introduce themselves. Doing this allows you to meet and connect with people on your floor. Also, walk around your floor and introduce yourself to people on your floor. Even if they aren't meant to be your best friends, it's still good to be on a name-basis with people on your floor.

My roommate and I did this, and some of the people I met this way are my closest friends.

3. The Basic Ice Breaker Conversation:

"What's your name?" *handshake*

"Where are you from?" *If you have never heard of the town, it's probably a suburb of Chicago*

"What's your major?"

"What do you want to do with that?"

"What classes are you in?" *try to find a class buddy*

4. Be smart during the first few weekends if you go out, cops will be crazy.

Bars are either 18+ before 10 pm or strictly 21 and over.

This means there are some bars you can get into if you don't have a fake ID or aren't already 21.

Just a warning, for the first few weekends cops will probably raid the bars as close to 10 pm as they can.

If you do decide to go to the bars:

1) Don't get completely trashed before 10 pm so that if cops do come, you can play it cool and not draw attention to yourself.

2) If you do get pulled out of the bar by a cop, cooperate and be honest, they may be easy on you and let you go.

3) If you do get a drinking ticket, it's not the end of the world, just a rough way to start your college experience.

5. Buses are rarely ever on time, or reliable at all.

Cambuses kind of suck.

The BONGO app will tell you the bus arrival time, and it's probably not correct.

Use the "route" part of the BONGO app to track buses, not the arrival time page.

*this one only applies if the BONGO app hasn't completely changed, I walk everywhere now so I am not up-to-date with the current app :)

6. How to survive game days:

Tailgating parties...

1) If you are a girl, you can get into any frat tailgate for free.

2) If you are a guy, either have connections or be prepared to pay.

3) Beer or jungle juice? Pick your poison.

If you are planning on attending the game...

1) Know your limits and do not exceed them before you get into the stadium.

2) Don't lose your friends, being alone and drunk is dangerous and terrifying.

3) Remember your surroundings– I haven't heard of cops really arresting college students, unless they are belligerent, but better safe than sorry (peep the cop in the left side of my article picture).

7. Apps to have downloaded to your phone:

BONGO (Bus On The Go)



Canvas Student


Spotify/Apple Music (student memberships)




8. Handwritten notes > typed notes

*this tip is scientifically proven

If you actually want to have notes that will benefit you, and you actually want to pay attention during class, handwrite your notes and don't take your computer out– it will only be a distraction, I promise.

Print out lecture slides before class if that's how your professor wants you to take notes.


Odds are *any* material during lecture will be fair game for an exam, and if you have a dick of a professor, they will include information they conveniently didn't include on lecture slides.

9. If they take attendance, go to class.

Attendance points may be only a small, small percentage of your grade, but I promise it is worth going.

The attendance portion of the final grade can be the difference between letter grades.

*Also, always go to discussion. They will be dreadful to attend, but their participation points matter in the end, too.

10. Don't be offended if a frat guy degrades you if you aren't in a sorority.

To *some* frat guys, they won't give you the time of day if you aren't in a sorority.

It really speaks to their character and represents their little dick energy :)

*disclaimer, I've also met and become friends with frat guys that don't give a damn, so not all of them are trash.

11. Sexual assault is a real issue, so be careful.

Sexual assault is a prevalent issue in college.

It can happen to anyone– male or female.

Here are some tips to help you be careful:

1) Don't leave your drink unattended if you are drinking.

2) ALWAYS lock your door(s) when you are alone in your room.

3) Don't get in an Uber by yourself.

4) Trust your instincts, if something feels off or you have a weird vibe, remove yourself from the situation you are in.

5) Add a trusted friend(s) on the "Find Friends" app in case something goes wrong or you need help.

12. Sex is cool, but you don't have to do it, obviously.

If you don't have sex, you aren't having any less of a college experience than the people that do.

Whatever you choose to do, just be smart and be responsible.

You are more than the number of hookups and sexual partners you have– trust me.


You. Do. Not. Want. To. Be. Stuck. In. A. Down. Pour. Without. An. Umbrella.

My first Wednesday of freshman year, I did not take an umbrella with me and I got caught in not one, not two, but THREE down pours.

14. Halloween is celebrated the weekend before, and the weekend after.

If you want to celebrate Halloween, have your costume(s) ready for wearing the weekend before and after Halloween.

*Pinterest will be your best friend when trying to figure out what to be.

15. Always, always, always eat before going out!!!!!

16. Feeling sick and tired for a long period of time? Get tested for mono.

17. Add Ratemyprofessor.com to your bookmarks.

Use this website before you register for classes, or to see how hot your future prof is.

Search your professors and find out what you will be getting yourself into.

18. Gaining weight in college is normal– don't get discouraged.

The "Freshman Fifteen" is a concept feared by most college freshman, but odds are you will gain some amount of weight.

The mix of hormones, change of routine, stress and lifestyle will cause your body to change.

Gaining weight is completely normal, and nothing to be ashamed about, I promise.

19. My go-to drinks to save calories while out (or at least to make myself feel not as guilty):

Diet coke and rum

Tequila and orange juice (juice > pop, right?)

Vodka water (You can also bring your own Mio or water enhancer to add in to mask the vodka if you can't handle the taste)


If you only drink vodka lemonades or Long Islands while you are out, be prepared for a hangover the next day.

*Put some water and ibuprofen by your bed before you go out.

*You will thank yourself in the morning.

21. Studying: High school doesn't prepare you for college, like at all.

You may think you are ready for college, but you probably aren't.

In college you will have to learn how to study, how to comprehend loads of information in a short amount of time, and how to identify what information is useful, and what is not.

You won't develop these skills overnight.

I'm going to be a junior and I'm still figuring out what techniques work best for me.

Keep trying new techniques until you find what works for you.

If you get a bad result on an exam, you should probably try a new study technique for the next one.

22. If you live on the second or third floor and still take the elevator, expect dirty looks from people that live on the sixth, seventh or eighth floors.

23. Use your resources: TAs, doctors, mental health offices, all of them.

24. Set your snap stories to automatically save when they get posted.

25. Always take cash out to the bars, don't take your debit/credit card.

If you only take cash out, you are limiting yourself to how much alc you can buy.

You also won't lose or give someone the opportunity to steal your card.

Both have happened to me– just take the cash.

26. Use Chegg.com to buy your books.

Chegg.com will save you TONS of money.

27. Low on money?

Donate plasma.

Participate in paid research.

Get a campus job.

28. Best drunk food (in Iowa City):

If you tend to eat after you've been drinking, here is the best food places to go to/order with your friends after night out:



Gumby's Pizza.

29. A bad grade is not the end of the world.

You can retake a class if you are that discouraged or concerned.

30. Always hang on while riding a bus if you are standing up.

There is a little loop that hangs from the ceiling of the buses, skip holding onto that and hold on to the bar coming down instead, you'll thank me later.

31. Don't miss the last bus if you go out.

The buses usually stop running or being in service around 1:30 AM.

Don't miss the bus.

Otherwise you'll be stuck walking back to your dorm, which may not be bad if you are close to downtown, but if you aren't, it sucks.

32. Purse essentials for going out:

-Money, ID (real and fake), campus identification card (some bars will ask for a second ID sometimes).

-Lipgloss or chapstick

-Makeup wipes (an unexpected stay or to wipe marks off of your hands from bars if underage, your welcome)

-Hairbrush (Your hair can get crazy)

-Perfume/body spray/deodorant

-Condoms, if you are sexually active

33. The C-Stores food supply sucks on the weekends.

If you are a picky eater, don't rely on C-Stores for food for the weekend.

Either have snacks on hand to hold you over until they restock on Monday, go to the dining center or make trips downtown to buy food.

34. Amazon Prime account is a must.

There is a student membership discount.

You get access to free TV, movies and music.

Plus free two day shipping.

A blessing.

35. Always take naps.

If there is an opportunity to nap, do it.

*The IMU has a nap room.

36. Wear shoes you do not care about to tailgates/football games.

*Ps don't ever wear flip flops. They are slippery to walk in, and break easily.

37. Comfort > Cute

You may think wearing close to nothing when it is not the appropriate weather is cute, but trust me, it isn't worth it.

All of my guy friends always comment on how ridiculous girls look when going out and wearing not weather appropriate clothing, not how hot they look.

But you dress how you want to dress, you do you.

*Use the end of summer/fall to invest in a cute jacket you'll be ready to live in during the winter months.

38. Huge winter coats will be your saving grace during cold weather. Same with winter boots. Invest.

39. Black jeans always win when going out.

Invest in one, or even a few pairs of black jeans if you plan on going out.

40. Don't waste makeup by wearing it to class everyday.

If you invest in expensive makeup, don't waste it by wearing it to class every single day.

It's so normal to look rough when going to class, no one ever notices.

We all have dark circles and break outs.

41. Starbucks isn't worth the money, but it so is.

42. Some healthy hacks to switch up your diet once and awhile:

Fruit > energy bar

Tea and coffees > Full sugar pops/sodas (still getting your caffeine in)

Low cal energy drinks > Full cal energy drinks

Eggs, toast, oatmeal > sugary cereals, waffles and pancakes

Fish, chicken, salads > burgers and pasta

Yogurt, fruit and granola > ice cream and desserts

Rice and sweet potatoes > Regular potatoes or starches

**Everything is good in moderation!


44. You think you can make it to your 8 am everyday, but odds are you won't.

45. Don't schedule yourself 8 am classes Spring semester– unless you have to.

46. "The book(s) isn't required, but if you want, you can buy so you have material to refer back to"

*This means you should definitely buy the book if you can afford it (Hello, Chegg.com).

*Even if you don't use it all the time, more information trusted by the professor is better than none at all– especially if you are afraid to go to office hours.

47. Get a reusable water bottle!!! Save the planet!!!

48. If you haven't already invested in over-sized t-shirts, do so, RIGHT NOW.

49. Make sure your backpack is waterproof.

Or at least thick enough that if you do get rained on, the rain won't seep through your backpack onto your belongs– like your laptop :)

50. You like to write?

Apply to write for The Odyssey Online in your college community!

51. Stay on top of your laundry.

Also, don't let your clothes sit in the washer/dryer after they are done, odds are someone will take them out and it'll ruin them.

Stay on top of it, set an alarm.

52. Always charge your phone and laptop while you are asleep.

Nothing is more stressful than waking up and tying to go about your day having to deal with technology on the verge of dying.

53. Boys suck even more in college– and according to my guy friends, girls still suck. Nothing changes.

54. Do not always walk into lecture late, and don't always leave early.

This especially applies if you like to sit in the front.

If you are always late, sit in the back.

If you know you have to leave early, sit in the back.

It's rude if you don't.

Be polite and be quiet.

55. Call your parents, loved ones or guardians.

They love and miss you, doing so will make their day.

56. Don't get hooked on a new series.

It's dangerous.

All you will do is be tempted to watch the show instead of study.

But, you probably will anyways, so either use watching the show as a reward for studying, or manage your time well.

57. Feeling alone or overwhelmed?

If you don't have a friend you feel you can talk to, or don't want to talk to a professional, reach out to your RA.

Your RA is there to help you adjust to college and to enhance your college experience.

If your RA sucks, find another RA in your building.

You may also want to try reaching out to an alumni from your high school if you are comfortable.

*So, if you know me, and you find yourself in this position or just want to talk things out, please hit me up, I'm here for you!!

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