This August, I had the wonderful opportunity to move into my first apartment ever. Although I don't reside here all year round I still love living here! Here's a list of must-have items for your brand new apartment:
1. A fully stocked fridge/pantry
Yes, your supply will dwindle down as the weeks go on but it's so important to have a fully stocked fridge/pantry when you first move in and have the opportunity to go grocery shopping.
3. Some heavy duty cleaning supplies
It's so important to keep your apartment clean and smelling fresh!
4. Lightbulbs
This one is pretty self-explanatory...
6. A Brita water filter pitcher
This pitcher saves you a ton of money and saves the environment, too!
7. "Homey" pieces or pictures
To make it feel a little bit more like home.
8. A flashlight and candles
You never know when you might lose power, and you want to be prepared!