With the recent ongoing mayhem of tragedies happening around the world. It's no surprise that people take this chance to further their own political agenda. But how did we get here?
While the obvious answer is, "decades after decades of voter apathy", it's more than that. The United States system of voting created this rift political climate that actually restricts voter choices.
Despite what your representative may tell you. Despite what CNN or FOX or MSNBC may tell you, political parties do not in fact widen your choices. It limits them by forcing you to compromise on the entirety of your beliefs and forcing your vote into a pre-designed pigeonhole.
This cookie cut out, choose the side you want to represent severely restrict your choices. Chances are, your beliefs do not completely align with Republican or Democrat.
So how did we get here? How did we get to an election in which both candidates are so hated by a large majority of the citizens so that even if either of them are elected, they would not be representing even a majority of the voters. The answer is the United States voting system called First Past The Post or FPTP.
FPTP dictates that candidates only need a majority vote of to win the entire election. Now this seems pretty black and white, the person who represent the most people should rightfully represent the group.
OK, so let's design a hypothetical town named, Odyssey-land. In Odyssey-land, the district are divided into 3 sectors, UH, UT, and A&M. There are five types of people that all live mixed in each sector, the Reds, the Maroons, the Oranges, the Purple, and the Blues.
Now let's focus on UH for now; in UH, Reds, Maroons, Oranges, Purple, and Blue make up 40%, 30%, 15%, 10%, and 5% respectively. It's time for the representative elections and each group nominates a candidate.
At the end of the first election, the vote percentages reflects the same percentage as the population make. So the Red candidate is chosen to represent 100% of the citizens while only being voted in by 40% under FPTP.
Now let's cycle to the second election. Purple and Blue realize their vote won't count towards a viable candidate, but they both cannot stand Reds so they put their vote towards Maroons, even though they don't agree with Maroon, Red just seem so awful. So in the second election, Blue and Purple do not nominate a candidate but instead put their votes towards Maroons, changing the votes to Reds (40%), Maroons, (45%), and Oranges remains (15%).
So in the second election resulted in Maroons winning the office but only truly representing 30% of UH but making decisions for 100% of the sector. As we cycle through to the third election, the voters of the last third party Oranges are not going to want to waste their vote on Orange and instead will vote for Reds, who they despise less than Maroons.
In the end Reds win with 55% of the vote compared to Maroons but still only truly elected by 40% of the population. And we have realized why FPTP is a terrible voting system that eventually develop into a two party system.
But what are the alternatives? Well, two that are used in other parts of the world are The Alternative Vote and The Second Transferable vote. However, I feel like I've used up your attention for the day so tune in next week!