9. You know that there's always a laugh waiting for you, even on your worst days | The Odyssey Online
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21 Things That Will Inevitably Happen When You Find Your Forever Person

15. You'll feel valued and appreciated instead of unworthy and disrespected

21 Things That Will Inevitably Happen When You Find Your Forever Person
Emmie Pombo

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When you get that feeling where you know where you're supposed to be, what you want your future to look like, who you want to spend your time with, who, at the end of the day will be there for you, you've most likely found your forever person. For some, that happens in middle school.

Others in high school. Most commonly, people find their future spouse at college. And sometimes, you find them in other places and time periods, too. When you find that person you want to spend your life with, there are at least 20 things that will happen...

1. You're excited about a future instead of being scared

2. Even if you're away from home, they are your new home

3. You'll feel encouraged instead of hopeless

4. You'll see how your personality works with someone else's

5. You realize that they might annoy you - but that's okay

6. You don't fear challenging things

7. You won't ever have to be alone if you don't want to

8. You'll feel safe no matter what situation you're in

9. You know that there's always a laugh waiting for you, even on your worst days

10. You start to realize that your future with them might be different than what you planned

11. You'll always have someone cheering you on

12. You'll have a rock when you need one

13. ...And you'll feel like their rock when they need you

14. You'll feel understood

15. You'll feel valued and appreciated instead of unworthy and disrespected

16. Your exes won't matter anymore - no matter how much they hurt you

17. You'll be more focused on the things in life that REALLY matter

18. No one else's negative opinion will matter

19. You'll always wonder how you got so lucky

20. You'll realize that it IS possible to date your best friend

21. You'll finally realize what real love is

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