This past week, my university experienced a horrific and confusing event; a beloved student, Alexandria Goodwin, passed away unexpectedly and we've been frustrated, pained and in mourning. It's the end of the school year, seniors are graduating, trips are being planned, and old friends are coming back around. There's so much going on and all of a sudden, our world is stopped because a part of it has been taken. We gathered and remembered and I'm so thankful that Alex had so many loved ones come out to visit Capital in her honor. Through conversations during some of the gatherings, I found comfort and love, but mostly I found reminders and lessons that have felt so clear.
In death, there is room to find beauty. There is room to love the memories of that person, appreciate all they did and to pay respects to their life. It brings people close and allows people to love unapologetically. Mourning is beautiful in its own blue and melancholy way, and basking in it is okay. But then, we must learn from it, because the painful truth that cannot be ignored is that our lives will continue without that person. So these are just the thoughts I remembered or came across over the last few days. Cliche as some may be, they're important to take away from Alex's passing.
We live as though we are constantly searching for what's going to be great in the future, but we always forget how blessed we are to have this very moment to do literally anything we want
As young people, this is a time to actively seek our God-given talents and experience and practice them everyday. We must embrace the people that have been placed in our lives and love them like they are our own blood, because just like Alex, you never know when they will be gone.
Have you lived so vibrantly that you can't help but laugh because you're so happy?
Have you ever been so proud of your work that you feel on top of the world? Have you ever longed to be with your friends so much everyday, just knowing they understand every bit of you? Let yourself be loved, give love, find your passions and your people, connect as much as possible, and search for what makes your heart wild with happiness and start today. Quit wasting time with your every day schedule
Living passionately is the most important part of all of this
Yes you can give your time to so many things, but what's the point if you're not in love with it? What's the point if you don't give your all? Sure other people may be proud you're doing things, but you're the one actually experiencing it, so make it worth your soul's time and quit wasting it on things that are meaningless to you.
Alex knew how to live
She was deeply involved on campus with multiple organizations and was a true leader. She danced any second she could, laughed loud and proud, and loved to have a good time. She always made it a point to say hello with a beaming smile, worked harder than anyone I know and gave her all to everything in her life. She was passionate and an inspiration to all and absolutely made a lasting impact on everyones' hearts and souls.
Let's live like so many remember her to have lived, and let's make our own lives and the lives around us just as vibrant. We love you Alex. Thank you for teaching us so much. Rest in peace, lovely.