5. Bumbong and Bibingka. | The Odyssey Online
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6 Christmas Traditions That Every Filipino Celebrates

If you haven't experienced a Filipino Christmas, reading this will make you want to.

6 Christmas Traditions That Every Filipino Celebrates
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Christmas for Filipinos is a huge holiday. It's our favorite holiday. Coming from mostly Christian backgrounds, Filipinos love Christmas for the celebration of Jesus and of course the holiday itself.

1. Christmas starts as soon as the "ber" months start.


September, October, November, and December! Filipinos also consider the "ber" months as the start of winter.

2. Hanging up your Parol.


These ornamental stars make Christmas beautiful and bright. It is meant to represent the star that guided the Three Kings to the manger where Jesus was born.They're made from bamboo sticks and capiz shells. You'll find them at every Filipino home!

3. Huge family dinners before AND after Christmas.

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We have huge gatherings before and after Christmas. We celebrate Noche Buena which is usually served at midnight right after mass and Media Noche which is served on New Year's Eve. It includes lots of yummy foods, lots of drinking, dancing, and sometimes karaoke too!

4. Christmas music is played non-stop once Thanksgiving ends.


My Mother knows every lyric to every Christmas song because she throws them on repeat as soon as Thanksgiving ends every year. Now, that she has an Amazon Alexa, she has every Christmas song in every version possible.

5. Bumbong and Bibingka.


These delicacies are a Filipino tradition. Many Filipinos look forward to having them during the holiday season.

6. Fil-Am Parties!

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Our Fil-Am community comes together to celebrate Christmas with traditional dancing, line dancing, singing, and lots of food.

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