Sasquatch 2016: 8 Healthy Eats To Keep You Rockin' All Night
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Sasquatch 2016: 8 Healthy Eats To Keep You Rockin' All Night

Be the life of the party by sticking to this fool-proof meal plan.

Sasquatch 2016: 8 Healthy Eats To Keep You Rockin' All Night

At a big music festival, fresh foods are rarely available when you need them. If you're heading to Sasquatch, or another music festival this summer, make sure to keep a little space in your cooler for these electrolyte-boosting and hydrating snacks to keep you healthy, happy and energized all day and late into the night.

1. Coconut Water

Overflowing with extra electrolyte power and potassium, coconut water saves lives when you've been out late or you're just busy running around in the sun. This low-calorie and low-sugar beverage is also great for hangovers! Throwing a couple of these back during the day will help you avoid any killer headaches in the next morning.

    2. Citrus

    High levels of vitamin C will help keep you healthy amongst the large festival crowds. Grapefruit and orange slices make a refreshing and delicious snack; squeezing some lemons into your water is another way to give you an extra boost to keep you up and dancing for all your favorite artists.

      3. Hummus

      Loaded with protein and plenty of Omega 3 fatty acids, hummus will be sure to satisfy the midnight munchies. This chickpea dish also contains amino acids that actually promote quality sleep and uplift one's mood. Put this spread on your sandwiches, pita bread or just eat it out of the tub!

      4. Berries

      Berries are packed with water, fiber and B vitamins. B vitamins are known to aid memory and boost your energy -- definitely helpful when trying to get back to your campsite late at night! Blueberries, raspberries or strawberries will keep you feeling refreshed. No need to chop or slice; just pop a handful in your mouth and keep on rockin'.

      5. Almonds

      Easy to pack and a solid source of manganese and copper, almonds are good for when you are starting to feel weak or fatigued. This little nut also will help stabilize your blood sugar levels. Make sure to throw a bag of these in your backpack for healthy snacking throughout the day.

      6. Green-packed Bar

        Getting veggies or fruit at a festival venue will either be scarce or expensive; you don't want to end up paying big money for greens from venders if you are already ballin' on a budget. Salad probably won't hold well in your cooler, so opt for an Odwalla Superfood Bar or packaged green juice to stay healthy on the go.

          7. Bananas

            Packed with potassium and magnesium, bananas are the ideal way to get your electrolytes up and keep your body temperature low on a hot day. Try to keep them in a big tupperware so their texture doesn't change in the cooler. You can also rub a bug bite with the inside of the banana peel to relieve itching -- don’t want an annoying bug bite to get in the way of your fun!

              8. Cucumbers

                Composed of about 95% water, the cucumber is as highly hydrating as it is delicious. Pack them whole and slice up when you are ready to enjoy. Once you run out of pita bread, they are the perfect dipping tool to scoop up some of that hummus.

                Be safe and smart this upcoming music festival season -- pack these foods and the job is mostly done!

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