When women tell me they're scared to workout, or lift, because no guy wants a muscular woman, I want to scream. First off, you should not be marketing your body so that it's more appealing to men. A man who doesn't like muscular women is a man dealing with insecurities he should confront before he even dreams about entering a relationship.
What he says: "Who wants to date a girl with more muscle than them?" What he means: "Who wants to date a girl who makes him feel inferior?"
Social media and the marketing of the human body make my skin crawl. On a day to day basis, I am left staring at my phone feeling disgusted with how the insecurities within our patriarchy shape what we find attractive or unacceptable in women (and men, but this article is mainly focusing on women). It never made any sense to me that in a society that glorifies the strong and independent woman, we can in the same breath, diminish and de-feminize a muscular woman.
An announcement for all muscular women, or all women who secretly yearn to be proud owners of toned arms and stunning abs: any guy who tells you are too muscular or that you remind him of a guy needs to be punched in his face. It's your body! If you want a six-pack go out and get it! I promise you that any relationship that hinges on your fragility isn't going to last.
I had a conversation with a girl the other day who told me that she squatted every day, but she never lifted or did pushups because she didn't want to look too masculine. That is ridiculous. That is the equivalent of me saying I study every day but I never go to class because I don't wan't to look like a student. If you're going to dedicate yourself to working out and feeling good then do that.
Don't let society tell you what will or will not get you a husband. The most powerful figure in my life is my mother. Growing up, my dad was superman and she was superwoman. I remember when they would go on runs together, and go to the gym together. My mother would motivate my dad just as much as he motivated her. That is a relationship, it's a partnership. So just remember -- any guy who sees you and dismisses you because of "feminine masculinity" couldn't handle you in the first place.
A message to the guys: If a muscular girl scares you maybe you should stop trying to shape her body and focus on shaping yours.