As an artist, it is frustrating when you can't create. Sometimes your new ideas don't work or everything you come up with starts to look or sound the same. You become uninspired and unmotivated to continue creating. You think a break is all you need, but sometimes, too much down time can burn out that creative flame.
I myself have been very uninspired until recently. I have so many ideas that I want to try but I cannot figure out how to start. It's almost as if there is too much going on in my brain to even process. I can't come up with choreography, I can't come up with new articles to write, and I'm just losing motivation all together. That may be why I have been binging on so much Netflix lately. I felt I needed a break to clear my head, but that only made matters worse.
I am really scared that I will never find the inspiration or motivation I need to keep going. Even as I write my Odyssey articles, I am watching the word counter to see how close I am to 500 words and it is a struggle every time. I start teaching again in August and I want to come up with the best possible choreography for my students that will challenge them and inspire them. I want to choreograph for more shows at school and film a concept video and yet the ideas keep escaping me. The scariest thing as an artist is the fear of not being able to create. Sometimes we run out of ideas and that is when we fall into a funk. We can't afford for this to happen, but unfortunately it does.
Despite all of my laziness and creative blocks, I have surprisingly kept up with my workouts. I like to run a lot and it really clears my mind and gives me time to think about everything. I find new songs to use, new concepts to focus on, just to distract myself from my actual exercise! But I was thinking a lot about next semester and how I want to approach my senior year. I want to take advantage of the opportunities I am offered as a dancer and artist. No backing out of auditions, no making excuses, I'm just going to do it.
So my motivation to do work has started to return in the homestretch of the summertime. I have been dedicating more time to thinking about and planning out the projects I want to work on next semester. I've also reached out to other friends from school to collaborate with and I cannot express how excited I am now! It has helped me find the motivation to create and has also inspired me to create.
Inspiration can come from anywhere and it almost always eludes you when you need it. If you take some time to clear your mind and figure out what you need and want, inspiration will come. Also, taking a break is good, but instead of turning on Netflix, take a walk or read a book. These are the things that will inspire you. Even a really good conversation with a random stranger can completely change your perspective.
Go out and get inspired! Pull yourself out of that funk! You will be glad that you did.