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6 Of My Favorite Artists Currently Featured On Spotify's 'Are & Be' Playlist

If you regularly listen to R&B or not, this playlist has something for you to discover or just enjoy.

6 Of My Favorite Artists Currently Featured On Spotify's 'Are & Be' Playlist

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As previously mentioned in a past article regarding my favorite music genres, I love R&B. Naturally, I listen to Spotify's 'Are & Be' playlist quite religiously. Given that this playlist is updated weekly, artists come and go on this playlist. There are some artists who sort of have a 'residency' on this playlist - either because of how many streams they get or their overall popularity with R&B listeners.

This week, I decided to slow it down a bit and share with you who my favorite R&B artists are right now!

1. Khalid

I first discovered Khalid in 2016 when "Location," his debut single, was first released. I was instantly captivated by his voice, which is very unique and can be seen as an "acquired taste." I was not let down with his entire first album at all. I found myself liking and genuinely enjoying each song. What I like most about Khalid is that he isn't like the other male R&B artists. He doesn't have this desire to be smooth or suave, like Usher or Ne-Yo. Khalid ultimately offers uniqueness and a new sound.

2. Chloe x Halle

Chloe and Halle started their music career by posting covers and occasionally original songs. They then got discovered by the literal queen herself, Beyoncé, and that's all she wrote. They released their debut album this year, which I must say, is astounding for a debut album. Some of my favorites include "Hi Lo," "The Kids Are Alright," and "Happy Without Me." At only 18 and 20 years old, Chloe and Halle have achieved what most people take their entire lives to achieve.

3. Jhené Aiko

Jhené Aiko has one of the best voices in the industry. She was first introduced to me when one of my friends played her song "The Worst" for me and I immediately was allured to her voice, her words, and her vibe. Jhené Aiko offers a voice that's both sultry and soothing. Whether you're feeling sad or sexy (or both), you can put on a Jhené Aiko song and you would feel fulfilled.

4. Miguel

On the more Alternative side comes Miguel. Miguel's music has the basis of what R&B is: a deep, slow bass, a catchy hook, and sex appeal. However, he puts his own twist on it by incorporating more rock and funk into it, creating a unique sound. I enjoy Miguel's take on R&B, considering it strays away from the normal "R&B Slow Jam" we are accustomed to. I'm excited to see where Miguel will take R&B and what he will do next.

5. Ella Mai

Ella Mai is a newer artist who has quickly gained popularity with songs like "Boo'd Up," "Naked," and "10,000 Hours." I first learned of Ella Mai when she came up in my "Discover Weekly" playlist on Spotify. With catchy hooks and well-produced tracks, Ella Mai has captured my attention. With several EP's released, she is projected to release a full-length album, which I will be looking forward to listening to.

6. SZA

SZA is easily one of my top five favorite artists. I discovered her more recently when she released her album "Ctrl" in 2017. She was more of an underground artist before this album became popular. She had released three EP's between 2012 and 2014. I immediately fell in love when I first listened to "Ctrl," each song sounding different from the next, yet keeping with a same sultry vibe. She has announced that she will release an EP titled "A," to end the trilogy of EP's to which the other two were named "S" and "Z."

Spotify's "Are & Be" playlist offers a diverse selection of R&B, ranging from Contemporary R&B to Alternative R&B. If you regularly listen to R&B or not, this playlist has something for you to discover or just enjoy.

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