7. "I use Mario Tricoci. It's creamy & doesn't make me look dry." | The Odyssey Online
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I Asked 16 Women About Their Favorite Face Makeup, And Here's What I Found Out

Although many different products are named, no matter what type of foundation or product you use, you don't need makeup to be beautiful!


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Makeup has the ability to enhance beauty, heighten confidence, and create overall stunning looks. One of the most enriching makeup products is foundation. Foundation has the capability to hide blemishes, cancel out discoloration, and make you look like a mannequin; if you use the right product for your skin. Foundation, while paired with concealer can take your face from 0 to 100 real quick. Acne who? Never heard of her.

I am someone who, in the past, has had the hardest time trying to find a foundation/concealer combination that worked for me. I have combination skin, and have rosacea. When I think I would find a good foundation, it would either oxidize (turn a different color after setting into my skin), or slip right off my nose. My nose has always been my problem area, due to oil and the redness from my rosacea. After years of experimenting with different products, I found out that my ride or die foundation is the Too Faced Born This Way foundation. One of my favorite beauty influencers, James Charles, swears by this foundation and I always wanted to try it. After grabbing a sample from Sephora, I can't live without it. There's no flashback, it melts into the skin beautifully and looks phenomenal. Pairing with the Born This Way foundation, is my ride or die concealer, the Makeup Revolution Conceal and Define Full Coverage Concealer. Makeup Revolution is amazing, this concealer is only $7 and I like it better than Tarte Shape Tape. This concealer is full coverage without feeling heavy on the skin, and again, NO FLASHBACK. Also another year-long hunt: to find the ultimate "no flashback" look. Although having flashback depends heavily with what powders you set your liquids with, the foundation and concealer make up the base of the skin. This magical duo is my ride-or-die makeup combination.

I was curious what products worked for other people, so I created a poll on my Instagram, as well as posted on Facebook, asking friends what foundation they swear by and why they love it so much!

Here's what I found out...

1. "Beautycounter Skin Tint Hydrating Foundation. I like that only safe products are used."

- Anna Marie

2. "Wet n' Wild Megacushion foundation is the most natural but yet still covers everything and it's ridiculously cheap. I like the Makeup Revolution concealer because it's very full coverage and is a dupe for Tarte Shape Tape!"

- Madison

3. "Kat Von D Lock-It Foundation. It may be a little expensive but it works great and you only need a little bit for complete coverage. Plus it's vegan for anybody who prefers vegan makeup items!"

- Leanne

4. "e.l.f Prime and Stay Finishing Powder. It's super cheap and it literally works as well as Bare Minerals. I'm obsessed, it covers literally every blemish and a lot of redness!"

- Jessica

5. "Estée Lauder Double Wear Stay-in-Place Makeup and Makeup Revolution conceal and define concealer because it stays matte and lasts literally all day long!"

- Hannah

6. "Beauty counter! Love my Touchup Skin Concealer Pen and my moisturizing foundation!"

- Carrie

7. "I use Mario Tricoci. It's creamy & doesn't make me look dry."

- Nicolette

8. "Right now I'm loving the Physicians Formula The Healthy Foundation with the Makeup Revolution concealer!"

- Cheryl

9. "Clinique Beyond Perfecting Foundation + Concealer with Tarte Shape Tape is amazing!"

- Jena

10. "Rimmel Stay Matte Liquid Mousse Foundation is the best drugstore clay foundation in my opinion!"

- Kim

11. "Milani Conceal + Perfect 2-in-1 Foundation and Covergirl Under Eye Concealer!"

- Sarah

12. "I swear by the Maybelline Fit Me! Foundation and Concealer. They're so cheap and they both do the job so well for a drugstore brand!"

- Celina

13. "I use L'Oreal Infallible Pro-Matte foundation and NYX Stay Matte Not Flat Foundation as my concealer"

- Zoe

14. "I use Fenty Beauty Pro Filt'r Soft Matte Longwear Foundation and their concealer. It gives a nice matte finish and feels silky!"

- Maggie

15. "I love the Neutrogena Skin Clearing Foundation!"

- Christine

16. "I love the Maybelline Super Stay Long Lasting Full Coverage Foundation with the Makeup Forever concealer. The foundation is a dupe for Huda Beauty!"

- Ty

Every woman is beautiful, and every woman is different. No matter the price point, shade range, or brand of product, every woman has different reasons behind what makes her beautiful, and what makeup looks help her achieve the confidence she's dreamed about having. Although many different products are named, no matter what type of foundation or product you use, you don't need makeup to be beautiful! Thanks to all the beautiful women who participated, and thanks for giving me many options of foundations to try out in the future!

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