18. Pasta with butter and parmesan (shaped!) | The Odyssey Online
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Food I Loved As A Kid That I Still Shamelessly Enjoy

(If something has a face or a shape, it somehow tastes 10x better.)


Being a kid was the best: I was able to order from the simple, yet delicious, kids menu, while also having the capability of eating as much kid-friendly junk as I pleased without worrying about developing Type 2 Diabetes. Nevertheless, even though I'm almost 20, I still will never decline a pack of Scooby Doo fruit snacks or some dinosaur-shaped chicken nuggets. It's fair to say that my palate has not changed too much over the past two decades. Even though I do get judged at work for eating my PB & J with the crusts cut off, I'd like to think that there's a bit of "kid" left in all of us. So, here are 26 foods/snacks that I loved as a kid, and definitely still love now.

1. Apple Sauce

Preferably cinnamon flavored.

2. Apples and peanut butter

3. Baby carrots

4. Bean and cheese burritos

I occasionally dare to add rice to my bean + cheese burrito now.

5. Cheese pizza

6. Cheeto Puffs

7. Circus Animal Cookies

8. Dino Nuggets

If you don't like Dino nuggets, I'm convinced you're a robot imposter.

9. Fruit Roll-ups/Fruit By the Foot

10. Fruit Snacks

The blue ones were always the best.

11. Grilled cheese

A classic.

12. Jamba Juice

The acidity and sugar content of the drink may destroy my adult mouth, but I still cannot resist once in awhile.

13. Jell-O

14. Juice boxes

15. Mac 'n Cheese

16. Mini cereal boxes

Pops and Frosted Flakes were my favorites.

17. Mini pizzas 

From the one and only Trader Joe's.

18. Pasta with butter and parmesan (shaped!)

My favorite shapes are wagon wheels, and tennis rackets (had them once in France years ago).

19. PB & J

Preferably with the crust cut off.

20. Peanut butter pretzels

Another Trader Joe's favorite.

21. Peppermint Jojo's

And another one.

22. Pigs in a blanket

23. Pirate's Booty

24. Smiley fries

25. String cheese

26. Tater Tots

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