Dear Ex-Best Friend,
I never thought I would be writing this letter, but here I am and there you aren’t. I’m not sure what happened and I’m still confused and hurt, but I’m glad it happened. It taught me a lot about myself. You dropping me out of the blue and deciding I’m not worth your time anymore it made me realize how much happier I was without you in my life.
This is in no way an “I hate you” letter, as much as it is an “I’m better off without you in my life, but thanks for the memories.”
I wrote that above piece about two weeks ago when someone who was very important to me decided to drop me from their life without warning and completely out of the blue. I was clearly very hurt and confused because I didn't understand, and I still don't, but that's beside the point.
The point is that no matter how hurt you are or what may have happened, you never have a right to bash someone on the Internet, over text, or in person, because honestly, everything happens for a reason.
It took me some serious time, bouts of crying, anger and confusion but, I finally figured out that what happened was probably for the best and even though I don't understand, sometimes we don't understand why things happen the way they do.
This most recent friend "break up" also made me think back to every friend I've ever "broken up" with, or drifted apart from, and honestly looking back at it, they were probably all for the best. Like yeah, it sucked, of course, but I learned and grew, and each one of those friendships got me to where I am now.
Cutting ties can be hard and it can be scary, but it helps you grow. It helped me realize who my true friends actually were, and how much more I valued those relationships. I also began realizing that there is nothing wrong with me that made them leave sometimes people just come into our lives then leave without warning and it sucks but it's probably for the best because there's usually something bigger and better coming along in the near future.
So, anyway to any friend I've lost along this journey we call life, I'm sorry to see you go but thank you for teaching me more than you'll ever care to know and if you ever need me I'll be there, but if not, good luck with everything your future holds and I'm sorry we couldn't make our friendship workout. I'm sorry I pushed you away or vice versa. I still love you and hope you're doing well but thank you for letting me go and be able to grow and explore and open up in order to meet new people and treasure those still there.
Good luck with everything.