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9 Celebrity IU Alumni You Didn’t Know About

From the infamous Subway guy to the creator of "AHS."


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Indiana University, home of the Hoosiers, and an honorable school to receive your degree from. You are learning something new every day, but did you know that quite a few prominent people that I'm sure you've heard about walked through Sample Gates.

Ryan Murphy

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This man is actually one of my favorite people, and I was so happy when I found out he attended the same college as me, and even more excited that he had the same major as me, journalism. Murphy after IU, went on to do fabulous things such as create the show we all know and love, "American Horror Story."

Suzanne Collins

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You wouldn't have Katniss or Peeta if it wasn't for this imaginative woman. Collins wrote that compelling trilogy, and many other books that you should check out such as "FIRE PROOF," and "Year of the Jungle."

Kevin Kline

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Kline started out at IU studying composing and conducting music but changed to a theater and speech major. He graduated in 1970 and then explored the U.S. performing in a variety of plays. You might recognize his voice as Mr. Calvin Fischoeder on "Bob's Burgers." Also, another side note, his daughter Greta Kline, is Frankie Cosmos which is one of my favorite musicians.

Jared Fogle


The dude who lost a bunch of weight by eating just Subway was a Hoosier as well. He eventually got into some trouble for... weird stuff but none of that is affiliated with IU.

Calbert Cheaney

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Cheaney was once an IU basketball player before under the infamous Bob Knight, and then he went on to bigger and better things such as the Washington Wizards, the Boston Celtics, and the Golden State Warriors. Cheaney is also from a town that is close to mine, Evansville, IN.

Jimmy Wales

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The creator of freakin' Wikipedia went to IU. The man who created a website that has helped us all find out relevant information went to Indiana University.

Antwaan Randle El 

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Antwaan Randle El played football at Indiana University, and upon graduating he was drafted by the Pittsburgh Steelers.

Catt Sadler

Sadler is another one of my personal favorites because she was on E! News which is news focused on entertainment, which is what I hope to do for the future. She graduated from Martinsville High School, and then went on to IU where she also joined the Chi Omega sorority.

Mark Cuban 

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The best for last. Cuban graduated from IU and more specifically the Kelley School of Business with a bachelor of science degree in management. After IU, Cuban has gone on to do extraordinary accomplishments such as own the Dallas Mavericks, co-own 2929 Entertainment, chairman of AXS TV, and one of the beloved shark investors on Shark Tank.

As you can see Indiana University is a school where talented people are created and then do big things afterward. Hoosiers are filled with greatness and will continue to produce greatness (Puck Furdue).

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