The college experience is unique because it is the first time that you have the opportunity to form relationships completely separate from your family and parents. You have this new and exciting life that is foreign to those who are not there experiencing it with you. It is a strange but liberating feeling- your school friends do not know much about your home life and your family is unfamiliar with your life at school. It allows for fresh starts and re-inventing yourself. Then comes family weekend- a time when you can give your family insight into your new life at Bucknell and show your school friends part of your pre-Bucknell life. Family weekend is full of fun activities and opportunities to have a great few days with loved ones and family members.
At Bucknell there are so many events to attend during family weekend. My parents love to go to the Christy’s A Capella Concert in Rooke Chapel each year, and listen to some of the very talented Bucknell students perform.
There are informative sessions on academics, studying abroad, campus activities, and more. There are also theater and dance showcases throughout the weekend, as well as improv comedy shows.
Families also have the opportunity to attend sports games like volleyball, football, field hockey, and rugby.
A major perk of family weekend is the free meals. The Bison, Sushihanna, and Panera all tend to get old after a while and family weekend is the time when your parents don't mind taking you out for a nice meal. There also tends to be a lot of grocery shopping during the weekend.
Most importantly, family weekend is about taking a step back from the busy, hectic lives that Bucknell students lead and enjoying time with your family and friends. As a senior, being able to go to the bar with your parents is one of the greatest parts of family weekend, and seeing parents of all backgrounds come together and celebrate a weekend at college is a unique and awesome experience.