3. Spending Time With Friends Was Few and Far Between | The Odyssey Online
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5 Reasons My Last Semester Of College Went Completely Wrong

Well, I didn't get enough sleep for starters.

5 Reasons My Last Semester Of College Went Completely Wrong

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Every semester in college has its ups and downs. The best way to wade through the motions is to take care of yourself - except sometimes that is a lot harder than it seems when you're in the midst of deadlines, papers, and poor diets. Here are five things I did wrong last semester.

1. I Didn't Get Enough Sleep



I consistently got too little sleep which made the rest of the things on this list so much worse and I can honestly tell you that the first all-nighter I pulled me threw off until I got multiple full nights of sleep in a row. Prioritize your sleep and take naps for a solid base to a healthier semester.

2. I Didn't Take Days Off Or Breaks



I worked hard this past semester but because I didn't sleep and I didn't have regular days off, it made it more difficult to maintain focus, have fun, and do well. Take breaks regularly, set aside a day off as often as you can, and take time alone because you will be able to work harder, your focus will be better, and your mental state will be healthier.

3. Spending Time With Friends Was Few and Far Between



One of the things I found to be really refreshing and helpful was spending time with my friends when I did do it. We would usually get a coffee or sometimes lunch and catch up on what college was like for us and it did everyone a world of good, but I did not keep up with it or prioritize it. Something one of my friends and I did near the end of the semester was to make Friday afternoon our "coffee day", it gave us something to look forward to and treat ourselves to after a week of going to school and working hard. Set aside regular time to spend with friends and have fun so you all can have a more enjoyable school or work week.

4. I Didn't Treat Myself Enough



Everyone should be treated to something nice and enjoy something every so often, especially after working hard. I didn't reward myself or thank myself for working hard by letting myself paint my nails over the weekend or take a long bath or watching something on Netflix so I was discouraged and often didn't see a point in working hard if there wasn't anything more than working hard again the next day or week. Treat yourself to say thank you and you will be more able to enjoy your weeks of school or work!

5. "No" Was Placed On the Back-burner



I said yes to pretty much everything, responsibilities, time with others, clubs, you name it, and it exhausted me. You can say no to things if you need sleep, time alone, to do homework, or just simply do not want to do something and it will be so much more beneficial for you and those around you. If you can politely decline an offer if it will allow you to rest and regenerate so you can do said thing together later.

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