Is fall better than spring?
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Dear Freshmen, Your First Lesson Is To Know That Fall Semester Is 100 Times Better Than Spring Semester​

Fact: Fall is just better.

Dear Freshmen, Your First Lesson Is To Know That Fall Semester Is 100 Times Better Than Spring Semester​

As I look back on freshman year and recount all of the incredible memories I've made in a completely new state with completely new people, I've found that the vast majority of my stereotypical college memories come from the fall semester. After extensive research: here is why fall semester is 100 times better than the spring semester.

1. The classes are easier

Photo by sean Kong on Unsplash

No matter what year of college you are in, it tends to be the case that fall semester is built for your intro classes and spring is meant to build on that introductory knowledge. For example, Physics 1 in the fall to Physics 2 in the spring. Whether you are studying Genetics, Engineering, Mathematics, Women's and Gender Studies, English, or Foreign Relations, there will always be "Intro then Build" across the fall and spring semesters. Along with the build on the level of academia, the coursework, participation, and requirements outside of the classroom for each lecture increase as well. This takes a lot out of you during the spring semester. Especially if your fall semester was a breeze.

2. Spring brings rain and allergies

I have lived in New York for my whole life. Snow up to my knees, dreary winter skies, and generally feeling grey are normal emotions for me. But never ever had I experienced seasonal depression quite like the one I experienced this spring in North Carolina. It rained sooooo much this year at NC State that at one point, I couldn't remember the last time I had seen the sun.

On top of that, the pollen count was through the roof. Everyone I knew from out of state had never experienced allergies like it. We were all sneezing, coughing, and rubbing our eyes like crazy due to the sheer amount of pollen coating everything around us. Did this happen in the fall? No. During the fall semester, I could be outside enjoying an afternoon for more than 20 seconds without sneezing my brains out or getting all of my clothes sopping wet. Now you tell me spring sounds better than fall after that killer review.

3. Football

If you go to a true southern school as I do, you understand the withdrawals that follow football season. No tailgate beer Ball? No tailgate clothes? No tailgate at all?!? Spring is just the worst. And do NOT try to convince me basketball is the same. It is not. Basketball fans are a completely different breed of crazy. On top of which, rooting for your school's team is much easier to do when you're in the sun at 3 pm coming off a fresh tailgate buzz than when you're in a sticky stadium at 10 pm fresh out of your stats exam.

4. In spring, you're expected to understand the balance

By Spring semester, especially freshman year, your parents, friends, and extended family all expect you to have a firm grasp on what you need to do to succeed. Unfortunately, that's not always the case.

As mentioned previously, your classes spring semester will build on your knowledge from the fall and when it hits you like a freight train freshman year, your new balance between work, school, and friends is out the window. Suddenly your super fun date function becomes rediculous amounts of ice cream during your date with Calc 2.

As much as you'll pretend it doesn't bother you after three weekends in a row, you'll slowly start to lose your marbles. But don't fret! If you and your friends all come up with study dates together or make Wednesday "Nails at Lauren's Night," there's nothing to be afraid of.

5. Fall has more breaks


I learned the hard way this year why so many college kids go absolutely buck-wild during spring break. It's because there are NO OTHER FREAKING BREAKS DURING SPRING SEMESTER. I totally missed the boat on this one.

Yes, my friends and I went on vacation for spring break and we had a lot of fun. We decided to be lowkey about spring break though. In other words, we didn't get piss drunk every night in Florida. And while I enjoyed my first spring break as a college student, I now understand why it tends to get crazy. In between harder classes, less time to let loose, and just generally trying to get your shit together, spring break allows most students to finally feel free again. Just like football does for us in the fall.

6. The freshman fall freshness


In your freshman fall, literally EVERYTHING is new. New faces, new town, new room, new environment, new study spaces, new food options. Everything from what you knew back at home in high school is completely different. And if you're like me, you take the whole fall to experience everything at least once.

When you come back to school for the spring and you have to experience all that amazing stuff without the fall freshman haze, things are less shiny. On-campus food gets old and gross real quick, people from your dorm get more and more annoying, and all the familiar faces suddenly seem too familiar. The overload of feelings and emotions your freshman fall will never ever compare to any semester following making your freshman spring seem even more gloomy and sad.

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