It has been some time now since the creation of Facebook. 12 years, to be exact. People have now found other social media outlets like Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, and LinkedIn that allow them to post their pictures and constant updates on their life. But back before the invention of these of sites, everyone stuck to Facebook.
With finals wrapping up, we are forced to face the inevitable and feared act of "bumping." With procrastination during finals week comes the dreaded "bump." You friends are trying to find any reason not to study, so they turn to Facebook to go look back at all the weird stuff you posted when you were 14. All of the sudden, your timeline is filled with ridiculous statuses, photos, and videos that you will forever regret posting. You might find yourself asking, "what was I thinking?" or "why was I so weird as a freshman?". We will never be sure why we thought it was cool or funny or intelligent, but we posted it anyway. So for those of you in this same boat, here are X things we all regret posting to our walls when we first logged on to Facebook. And what better way to show you than to find examples from my completely humiliating Facebook page.
1. Truth Is...
Honestly, the only reason we did these is because we felt really cool when we got more than 11 likes. But there was always that one kid you didn't know so you had to write "Truth Is... We don't really hang out but u seem rlly kewl."
2. <3 <3 <3 or the ♥
These don't even look like hearts and most of the time they didn't actually translate into the hearts. Oh well. Now we just look stupid.
3. While also quoting song lyrics
Because every single one of my faithful Facebook friends cares.
4. "Txt me"
FYI, I was a loser.
5. Or when your friends hacked you
Nothing was worse than getting hacked by your 14-year-old friends whose statuses were probably worse than yours. That or your brother hacked into your account and changed your "About Me."
Sadly, this is still in my "About Me," thanks to my big brother.
6. Any post with horrifyingly, awful grammar or absolutely awful spelling errors
Because we saved so much time by abbreviating "you," "to," or "for," and because "tomorrow" and "definitely" were also 2 difficult 4 u to spell.
7. The selfies you took with your Envy 2
You still let them live on your Facebook page as humble reminders of where you came from. Just because you have moved onto the fancy new iPhone camera doesn't mean you can't remember the glory days of your pink razor or your Envy 2.
8. When you were really aggressive about your crush on a celebrity
While also still being an aggressive fan of a college team.
9. Realizing that you liked 986,245 pages on Facebook and understanding now that that was a huge mistake
The notifications and pop-ups on your wall are all too wonderful 10 years later.
10. Liking your own post out of desperation
Maybe I just thought I was funny... Who knows?
While also misspelling "tomorrow," again.
11. UsInG LoWeRcAsE aNd UpPeRcaSE SiMuLtAnEoUsly
As if that what you had to say wasn't annoying enough.
12. Using three too many 'E's
Because one was simply not enough.
13. "Copy this as your status and see who responds"
The sad thing is that we all copied it...
As if u didn't need 2 hide ur current Facebook page from ur future employers, now u need 2 hide ur Facebook from ur freinds 2.