In a world full of technology, it seems impossible to just get away. We have our televisions, computers, cellphones, tablets, e-readers and the list goes on. To be blunt, our entire lives are on these devices. So what happens when we put those devices down?
Recently, I had the opportunity to spend the weekend in the Adirondack Mountains, and I was completely expecting to have zero cell phone service and no internet. I thought to myself, "What a great opportunity to get offline and experience what it's like to be technology free." I just wanted to get away and enjoy nature instead of staring at my phone all day. We were only going to be in the mountains a short amount of time and I thought it was going to be important to cherish that time. See why I wouldn't want to be on my phone?
Much to my surprise, I had three bars and LTE on my phone. In this cute little cabin up in the mountain, there was even WiFi. My plans of being technology-free were going to go down the drain as soon as I walked in that cabin's doors. Even though there was WiFi, I still planned on using my phone at least a little less than usual. At first, my plan was working. I had only spent about 20 minutes on my phone and then a lot more time was spent looking out the window at a gorgeous view and reading a book.
However, this lasted about 12 hours. After I had used my phone less, I got bored and felt like I had to sit on my phone. It really didn't surprise me that I couldn't go that long without it. This situation made me really disappointed in myself. I could not put my phone away for 48 hours? Am I really that addicted? How many other people are just as, or more, addicted than I am? I really hope I can change my dependence soon because I can only imagine how much nicer the world would look through my eyes if I weren't looking down at my phone.
Though technology can make our lives a little easier, I challenge you to take some time out of your day to go technology free! The little time I did manage to do that I saw the most beautiful things that made me very, very happy!