The beginning of freshman year was an exciting new adventure that I was terrified of starting. Leaving my friends that I’ve known for 6+ years to go to a school where I didn’t know a soul was one of the hardest things I’ve done. Learning to become an independent adult was an eye opening experience as well.
I still remember my first day on campus like it was yesterday. I met three very different girls, and I’m still friends with them today. I’m not the greatest at making friends, but I’m glad that I made some instantly. To this day, I still have trouble making friends. The feeling of rejection is one that I’m scared of. I like having a small group of trusted friends, but having a larger pool of people I can hang out with and/or count on for anything would be better. The friends that I have made throughout the year have made my first year in college very memorable.
Ever heard of the word “adulting”? Well, that’s what you have to do when you get to college. Even though I still live with my parents, I’ve had to grow up and start doing things for myself. I have to talk to the business office, financial aid, and nurse by myself without having my mom there to do it for me, and taking those steps to do that for myself was actually pretty hard to do. I don’t know what this fear is of making decisions for myself, but I still have it even after a year of adulting.
Now that my first year is over, I have to start thinking more about next year, which is when I’ll start getting into the classes for my major. I keep thinking to myself, Is Early Childhood Education the right major for me? Do I have what it takes? These thoughts are normal for any 18-year-old going through the motions of college. I’m excited for what’s to come, but very apprehensive.
The stress of college was so overwhelming, so I’m glad it’s over, but I’m honestly going to miss having classes for the summer. I know you’re thinking I’m crazy for enjoying school, but it’s what I’ve always been good at; it’s how I’ve always identified myself. Now that I have less to do over the summer, I think I just might go crazy without being able to see my friends or not being able to get an assignment done. My summer will be filled with Netflix, being lazy, and spending time with my family. I’m pretty excited to get back to school and keep furthering my education.
Becoming a responsible adult has had its challenges, but so many rewards, too. The level of trust I have with my parents has increased dramatically (something I’m very thankful for), and I can tell that I’ve truly changed as a person since being in college. Though times have been tough the last year balancing school, family, and a social life, I’ve been very blessed to be in the place I’m in right now.