When you graduate high school, or really before you even graduate, you and your best friends usually swear that you'll stay in each other's lives no matter how far you both go post-graduation. My friends and I had this talk. We said nothing would change between us and our friendship would stay the same.
I wish I was surprised to say it did change.
So, to my high school best friend who I rarely get texts from any more, this one is for you.
I don't know what happened between us. Maybe it was the distance or maybe it was that we're both doing our own thing now. Maybe it was that you got a whole new set of friends when you moved away for school.
There must be a reason why we went from talking every single day and keeping up with our Snapchat streak to getting maybe 1 or 2 texts every couple of months.
I won’t lie- I’m hurt. But I also know that communication is a two-way street, so I take fault, too.
But I will tell you this: I still see all of your social media posts. I see your Snapchat stories where you’re having a grand ole time with all of your friends from school or your posts about meeting up with your old friends from high school again, hoping I would be one of them.
Is this whole thing just me being jealous? Maybe. But please never forget the person who helped you through so many years of struggling on so many different levels because I know I won’t forget how much you helped me, too.
Maybe this is for the best. I hope you find all of the best things that life has to offer.