Dear Roomies,
As we finish our last few days in our cozy 184 square feet, forced triple — err, extended double — I wanted to take the time to thank you for everything. A year ago, the only information we knew about each other was the select posts we decided to share about ourselves on Facebook. I knew one of you played tennis and I knew one of you had a boyfriend. I hesitantly added you as friends and hoped to God you didn’t think that was creepy. We messaged back and forth and decided who was bringing the mini fridge and compared our schedules. Before we knew it, move-in day arrived and I remember few times in which I felt more nervous about meeting new people.
We transformed an empty dorm full of wooden furniture into an inviting and cozy living space. Right away I felt at home. We ate meals together, we went to the soccer games, and we even traveled in a pack when we met new people. It was not long before the deep life talks until two in the morning came about, and the RA on duty had to knock on our door to turn the embarrassingly outdated music from our dance party down during quiet hours (special shout out to The All- American Rejects’ "Give You Hell"). I still remember how hard we laughed and how lame we felt. I think those are the times I will miss the most.
I can honestly say you guys are hands down my favorite people to complain to. No matter what, you took my side and were constantly an open ear. You never got annoyed when I wanted to talk about life or whine about classes. You were always there to play with my hair when I was crying or laugh at my lame jokes or even let me borrow your straightener when I was too lazy to plug mine into the outlet two feet away. It’s going to take some time for me to adjust to not coming back to my room and seeing your bright, beautiful, shining faces welcoming me with a smile.
While I’m sure I could have had some better nights of sleep and although I still am not sure if the pair of white converses I’m wearing are mine, I can’t thank you enough for the wonderful year you have given me. I know that I have not been the most perfect roommate (we all have our flaws) and I appreciate that you managed to put up with my life drama, my love for blasting Simon and Garfunkel, my constant need to complain about financial accounting, and overall just me. You have truly become life long friends. You have taught me patience, understanding, and simplicity.
Thank you for everything. I have been sincerely blessed to call you my sisters.
Love always,