April is probably one of the most dreaded months for a college student. It's the time of the semester where you have ten projects, seven papers and two speeches to do by tomorrow, and it's extremely stressful. Everyone just wants the semester to end so they can have almost four months of summer vacation. Here are 11 thoughts everyone has during the last month of the semester.
1. "I give up on all this school work."
Giphy2. "I want to go home so I can eat real food."
Giphy3. "Do I really want to go to this class today?"
Giphy4. "Why am I breaking out so bad?"
GiphyProbably from the combination of the unhealthy food that's available to you plus all of the stress!
5. "Maybe I should just drop out."
GiphyWe all know we're not actually going to...but we still tend to think it.
7. "How am I supposed to remember everything from this semester?"
Giphy8. "C's get degrees!"
Giphy9. "Do my professors realize I have other classes I have to do work for?"
A professor told my class that we probably don't have any work to do for our other classes so we should spend all of our time on that class's final project. At the time of writing this, I have four papers and a six-minute speech left to write. Love that for me.
10. "Why did I choose to take so many classes?"
GiphyAnd with the luck every college student has, you have finals in all of them.
11. "When can I go to sleep?"
GiphyBecause with all the work you have to do, there's no time for sleep.