How To Survive The End Of Semester Chaos | The Odyssey Online
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How To Survive The End Of Semester Chaos


With the end of the semester approaching, it’s a great idea to start budgeting your time to make summer plans. But with all this planning comes some major stress.Graduating seniors are anxious about post-graduation plans, juniors and sophomores are worried about scoring an all-important internship and freshman are worried about…well, going home for the summer and living with mom and dad again. But whatever stage you find yourself in, or any stressor that finds your way, here are some tips that can help.Take a step back. Taking a step back to look at a stressful situation can be hard. With all the thoughts and emotions running through your head, the moment a chaotic event arises, you may make a rash decision. We all do it, but it can be a fatal mistake. The fact that you were not accepted to your top internship does not mean that life is over and you might as well start working at McDonald's. Let’s face it, most people who have done truly great things did not get there on their first try.
Go to office hours. Now is the time to start catching up if you are behind in classes. I know that doesn't sound fun after skipping your 8 a.m. class when you decided Blarney was the ideal place to spend your Tuesday night, but you will thank yourself later when finals arrive. Most teachers are understanding of students getting behind as long as they are getting help. In fact, most professors plug their office hours more as the semester goes on. So, go in for help and get caught up, because I guarantee that your professor is going to be far less helpful a day before the final than he or she will be earlier in the semester. 
Graduation is not something to fear. Graduation should be a lively event that can be celebrated with both family and friends, so enjoy it. It is coming for all of us at some point. However, this is hard advice to give to many people because different occupational fields hire college graduates at such different times.

To illustrate, many of our Carlson School of Management friends have had jobs lined up since November. The engineers followed shortly after. Some of the students headed to graduate school still haven’t heard back. The healthcare field does not seem to look at applicants until they have walked across the stage for their diplomas.
Take comfort in the fact every occupation and person, for that matter, works at a different pace. You will get there, too.
Prepare for finals. When finals do finally arrive, be ready both physically and mentally. Buy healthy snacks for your study sessions. Make sure your notes and textbooks are organized so that you can study efficiently. Plan study breaks to be social with friends (or Netflix, if that is preferable). Find time to blow off some steam at the recreation center. Go pet a puppy at Boynton. Basically, do anything and everything that increases the chances of finishing the semester strong.
Good luck!

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