With the end of the semester approaching, it’s a great idea to start budgeting your time to make summer plans. But with all this planning comes some major stress.Graduating seniors are anxious about post-graduation plans, juniors and sophomores are worried about scoring an all-important internship and freshman are worried about…well, going home for the summer and living with mom and dad again. But whatever stage you find yourself in, or any stressor that finds your way, here are some tips that can help.Take a step back. Taking a step back to look at a stressful situation can be
hard. With all the thoughts and emotions running through your head, the moment a
chaotic event arises, you may make a rash decision. We all do it, but it can be a fatal mistake. The fact that you were not accepted to your top internship does not mean that life is over
and you might as well start working at McDonald's. Let’s face it, most people who
have done truly great things did not get there on their first try.
Go to office hours. Now is the time to start catching up if you are behind in
classes. I know that doesn't sound fun after skipping your 8 a.m. class when you decided Blarney was
the ideal place to spend your Tuesday night, but you will
thank yourself later when finals arrive. Most teachers are understanding of
students getting behind as long as they are getting help. In fact, most
professors plug their office hours more as the semester goes on. So, go in for
help and get caught up, because I guarantee that your professor is going to be
far less helpful a day before the final than he or she will be earlier in the
Graduation is not something to fear. Graduation should be a lively event that can be celebrated
with both family and friends, so enjoy it. It is coming for all of
us at some point. However, this is hard advice to give to many people because different
occupational fields hire college graduates at such different times.
illustrate, many of our Carlson School of Management friends have had jobs
lined up since November. The engineers followed shortly after. Some of the
students headed to graduate school still haven’t heard back. The healthcare
field does not seem to look at applicants until they have walked across the
stage for their diplomas.
Take comfort in the fact every occupation and person, for that matter, works at a different pace. You will get there, too.
Prepare for finals. When finals do finally arrive, be ready both physically and
mentally. Buy healthy snacks for your study sessions. Make sure your notes and
textbooks are organized so that you can study efficiently. Plan study breaks to
be social with friends (or Netflix, if that is preferable). Find time to blow
off some steam at the recreation center. Go pet a puppy at Boynton. Basically,
do anything and everything that increases the chances of finishing the semester
Good luck!
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11 Things You'll Understand If You Act Sassy AF But You're Actually A Really Nice Person
Ugh, why is it so hard to be mean?
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If you are like me, you have an interesting personality. Basically, you love to be sassy and snarky, gossip, and act like a total bitch (not really), but deep down, you are actually a very genuinely nice person. The idea of actually hurting someone truly makes you feel bad, and you probably have never actually hurt someone’s feelings because your kindness always shines through, even if you do not want it to. Not sure exactly what I would call this type of personality, but if you identify with it, here are some feelings you can undoubtedly relate to.
1. You are honestly kind of offended when people say you are a nice person
Ugh, I go out and act like a bitch all the time just for people to think I’m nice? Great.
2. People think it’s cute when you act sassy
Because remember, everyone thinks you have no capability of being anything but sugary sweet so when something sassy comes out of your mouth, no one can take you seriously. Ugh, this is not supposed to be cute, this is serious business!
3. You always have people who annoy you but will not stop following you around
Who has not had this problem? There is that person who just annoys the sh*t out of you and you try as hard as you can (without being outwardly mean, of course) to let them know that you want absolutely nothing to do with them, yet they still are convinced you like them and will not leave you alone. Why does this person think I like them if I acted like such a b*tch to them? Oh right—I am incapable of actually coming across as mean. *facepalm*
4. You often have trouble deciding how you want to present yourself to people
Do I want to show them that I am actually really nice? Or should I act like a total (s)asshole so they will know not to mess with me so easily? Depends on the mood.
5. You have probably never actually hurt someone’s feelings
Once in a blue moon, your sassy comments get a bit out of hand (or so you think) and you worry for hours afterward that you actually, like, really offended someone. Then, when you go and apologize to them (because you are too nice not to, of course) they confess to you that they were never offended, either because your comment did not actually come across as mean at all or they “know you are too nice a person” to actually try and offend someone like that. Sigh, time to work harder.
6. Finding friends is such a struggle
You find it hard to be friends with people who are not actually nice, because deep down you are too nice to tolerate mean people—but you also cannot be friends with people who are too nice because they most likely will not be able to tolerate your sassiness. Ugh, that friendless life.
7. But actually, that is a joke because your flexible personality allows you to be friends with many people
You can basically convince anyone that you are really nice (because you are), and therefore most people want to be friends with you—but you also have enough snark (or snark attempts) to show people that you are not to be messed with, which is also a trait that many people admire.
8. You are secretly kind of (actually downright) jealous of queen bees, especially those from TV shows
Like, you wish you had the power to actually come across as being that snarky. But deep down, you are thankful that you are not capable of producing all the drama that Blair Waldorf gets herself into, so you just live vicariously through her while you sit back with the popcorn watching her on TV and enjoying your drama-free life.
9. You often read articles with titles such as “24 Reasons You're A Sasshole,” thinking they are going to be so relatable….
But then a few points in you realize that you do not relate to it at all, because deep down you are not actually a sasshole and no one actually thinks you are a bitch.
10. Sometimes you get really mad and wish you could actually come across as a total bitch…
11. …but at the end of the day, you are thankful for how nice you are
Okay, let’s face it—it is fun to be sassy, but deep down you know that being nice is going to get you much farther in life. You may even be a bit proud of the fact that everyone thinks you are nice—okay, you are really proud. You love being nice, and could not picture actually being mean to anyone. Let’s just be thankful that we can get away with being as sassy as we want and still come across as nice, because not many people can do that.
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Cub Magazine
We all have a little bit of Blair Waldorf inside of us. You may not realize it, but you're probably guilty of at least nine out of ten of these listed points. So why don't we reminisce on the famous Blair Waldorf moments where we realized we were actually her at certain times through the series?
You cut people off - fast!
She went behind your back? Don't sweat it girl because it only takes you .6 seconds to cut her out of your life for good to make sure it never happens again. Blair's done it. We all remember Georgina Sparks don't we?
Queen of Creeping.
Your snooping skills are so on point, just like Blair's that this will happen regularly. "Do you need my address?" Nope I know where you live, where you went to high school, your dog's name, and your bedroom wall color. "Yes an address would help!"
When you need to let others know exactly who you are.
Sorry, unfortunately you'll never really be Blair Waldorf no matter how cute the bag is or how many times you try and convince the sales woman you found it for half off. Blair would never buy it for half off anyway, and the sales woman still has no clue who you are.
Making new friends is not an easy task.
You have your minions, Serena, and a couple close Nate's or Chuck's but that's pretty much it. If the new girl in town hasn't figured it out yet, she'll soon realize you are the one who calls the shots.
You have no problem tellin' it like it is.
You've made it loud and clear to others about how things really are. You don't hide things, you just tell 'em like it is. If you don't like her, you don't associate with her - girl bye!
Some of us call them "fake friends". You've had your encounters with friends like that, but unfortunately they don't know who they're really dealing with and that you can make them miserable, just like Blair would do. *insert upside-down smiley face here*
You judge what other girls are wearing - hard.
Honey, those are yoga pants, not "I want everyone to see my thong" pants! Learn the difference before walking out the door, please and thank you!
Only your best friends see your emotions.
No matter how upset you are, or how excited you are about something, you only truly show it to your very own Serena (and maybe your mom). Your best friend is always there to wipe the tears or laugh with you until she's wiping away those laughing tears as well.
You've mastered the fake personality.
What problem? There's no problem. I definitely don't have an attitude. I'm fine. No, we're not fine and we all have that fake face or personality to hide what's really going on inside of our sneaky little minds. Sadly, we're not fooling anyone, but at least you and Blair have that in common.
You have your very own Chuck Bass.
Girls, we all know this one is true! He may not be your boyfriend, but you all have your personal Chuck Bass. He's the guy who would drop the world for you, and drive you absolutely insane all at the same time.
So, non-Upper East Siders, were you shocked to see just how many times you were actually Blair Waldorf? You may not have a headband to match all of your outfits, but you can pretty much tell how many times you've achieved being Blair.
You know you love her! Xoxo
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11 Confessions Of A Sleep-A-Holic
If your plans get cancelled, there is a 99.9% percent chance you are sleeping.
Photo by Kinga Howard on Unsplash
1. What are some of your hobbies? Does sleep count?
2. No matter how many hours of sleep you get, you could always go for a nap.
3. In fact, it's a bad day if you don't take a nap.
4. You struggle with the thought of being productive or just staying in bed.
5. You actually struggle with doing anything or just sleeping.
6. While you're in class you dream about being reunited with your bed.
7. Everything can be done from the comfort of your bed.
8. Bed or Bae.
9. You don't make your bed because you know you will get right back into it ASAP.
10. You inform everyone that you getting enough sleep is good for everyone and without sufficient amount you will be cranky.
11. If your plans get cancelled, there is a 99.9% percent chance you are sleeping.
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7 Reasons To Watch One Tree Hill
"There is only one tree hill, Jaime Scott."
08 January
Wikipedia Commons
If you need a new series to watch, I recommend One Tree Hill. I watched this series three times now and it only keeps getting better. If you need any more reasons beside the fact that all of the seasons are on Netflix for your binge-watching pleasure, here are seven more reasons to watch it.
1. The Scott brothers
*insert heart eye emoji* Enough said.
2. Brooke Davis
One of my favorite characters, shes confident, intelligent, and is a person everyone should strive to be.
3. The music
Every episode your bound to hear awesome music that you probably would have never heard, but now every song is on your Ipod.
4. Theme song
*screams* "I don't wanna be anything other than what I've been trying to be lately."
5. Friendship goals
P. Sawyer and B. Davis
6. Life lessons and relatability
7. Relationships
Who is your favorite couple? Naley, Peyton and Lucas, Brooke and Julian? Naley is goals.
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Student Life
9 Pieces Of Real, Solid Advice For College Freshman
Not your average, go to class lecture
08 January
University of Mount Olive
College is the most exciting time of a person's life. It really is. Exciting is not always a positive feeling though. Excited is a feeling that can be associated with nervousness, anxiety and more. Here are some real tips for college freshman that go beyond the typical, "Go to class," lecture.
Find something you love or are interested in and get involved.
When people say, get involved on campus, they are just trying to make you preppy (like I thought years ago), they really want you to be find something you love and be able to grow your passion. If you like writing try applying to be a writer for your school paper, or even better The Odyssey! These activities provide opportunities that classrooms cannot always provide, connections and applications. So whatever your passion (or even your major is), get involved because it's things like that will make future employers notice you.
Be nice to EVERYBODY.
This should be common sense, but seriously be nice to everybody during your freshman year of college. If a girl is mean to another girl on your floor during freshman year, believe me, the whole floor will know about it within a day, probably sooner if they live in a community bath style dorm. If you start off your college experience being known as "the mean person," it will probably be harder to make friends and have the best college experience possible. Plus you never know who could be your next best friend in college and so that is another reason why you should be nice to everybody.
You might need to be a little outgoing than you were before.
In college, it's really hard to make friends if you just sit in your dorm watch Netflix or play video games all the time. People do this their freshman year and then they complain about how terrible college was and transfer to go home. However, putting in an effort to get to know people and make friends is the perfect way to end up like those people. So if you're shy you might just have to be a little more outgoing in order to get a good start in your college experience.
Give it your best effort to get along with your roommate.
I mean you are living with them. Give it 110% before moving out. Yes, some people make for terrible roommates but do try to get along with them. Who knows? If you and your roommate have problems and work them out you could end up finding a great new friend.
Keep a USB of all the important school work you do.
You forgot your flash drive You forgot your flash drive You forgot your flash drive
byu/E7-Durden inbigbangtheory
Keeping a USB of all the important school work you do is something I wish I had learned a long time ago. It is so important to have these works so that you can use them for a portfolio, post them on your LinkedIn or whatever the case may be, save your work. Plus Blackboard will go back and take of classes you took after a certain period of time. So saving your work on a USB is a lifesavier.
Choose the night class over the 8:00 am, every single time.
I know in high school a lot of schools start at 8:00 am so in college you think 8:00ams will not be that bad. That is a lie and stop telling yourself that now! In college, you are usually staying up a lot later than you did in high school and getting a lot less sleep. So 8:00ams in college is not a good idea. If you have to take an 8:00 am see if there is any way you can have this class twice a week, so you can sleep in the most you can
The Master Schedule Is Your Best Friend
The Master Schedule WILL save your life when registering for classes. Trust me. I live for the day the Master Schedule comes out.
Have patience.
In college, things take time. Don't be upset if you haven't found your best friends in just the first two weeks of college. If you don't make it into the organization you want in the semester (or even year) of college, more opportunities will open up for you! You just have to go out and look for them.
Don't wish your freshman year away.
I know firsthand it is very hard sometimes to not wish your freshman year away. I remembered I was so ready to live off-campus, only to miss living on-campus by the time sophomore year started.It's easy to wish that you were not having to sit in your Gen Ed classes, but trust me major classes can be very hard and plus freshman level classes are freshman level classes for a reason.
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