The Emotional Stages Of Waiting For HTGAWM To Return, As Told By GIFs | The Odyssey Online
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The Emotional Stages Of Waiting For HTGAWM To Return, As Told By GIFs

Feb. 11th can't come soon enough.

The Emotional Stages Of Waiting For HTGAWM To Return, As Told By GIFs

Unless you’ve been living without any internet connection or TV signal for the past year and a half, you’ll have heard of the show "How to Get Away With Murder," which was created by Pete Nowalk and is produced by Shonda Rhimes. The show, set in a law school (“Middleton,” but we all know they mean Penn) in Philly, accompanies Viola Davis’ character, Annalise Keating, who is a professor of criminal law and each year chooses five of her best students to join her at her firm, where she works alongside her “partners” (but they’re more like her minions) Frank and Bonnie. The five chosen ones are:

  • Laurel, a quiet but smart Brown graduate,
  • Asher, the typical self-entitled rich boy,
  • Michaela, the overachiever,
  • Wes, the random guy who got off the waitlist last minute and seems to have an intriguing story to tell,
  • Connor, the charming and confident boy (who also happens to be gay and my personal favourite).

The show is great and has been praised from its pilot episode. Viola Davis received the SAG Award for her performance for two years in a row (2015 and 2016), and made history becoming the first black woman to receive the Emmy for Actress in a Leading Role for her portrayal of Professor Keating. The only remotely bad thing about the show is the length of its hiatus -- I’ve been suffering from withdrawal symptoms since November 20th, and I have loads of questions that need to be answered. After having gone through three hiatuses, I can safely say that the stages of waiting for HTGAWM to return are as follows:

1. You finish the last episode before the hiatus and feel equally thrilled, shocked, and confused.

2. Your Thursday nights are suddenly devoid of meaning.

3. You realize you’ll be waiting months before a new episode is released.

4. Holiday season comes along and you can’t help but remembering this beautiful tune:

5. You try to start watching another TV show, but nothing compares to the greatness that is HTGAWM.

6. You see pictures of the cast hanging out IRL and you think it’s cute but want them to stop torturing you and just get back on TV.

7. People tell you to stop obsessing over the show, or say “It’s not even that good."

8. You create literal countdowns for the day the show is set to return.

9. The Keating Five release a video recapping all the crazy that happened in the first half of season two and you’re like...

10. February 11th finally arrives and you feel like...

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