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Embracing Change


Congratulations, we've made it to the end of the semester! For some of us, that can be exciting. For others, it could be down right terrifying. The end of the semester means fixing up last minute grade glitches, studying a little harder, trying to come up with adventurous summer plans and stressing about returning home to be surrounded by our old lives. This turning point hits at the end of March every year, and it’s filled with one thing: change.

How do you respond to change? Most people don’t respond well simply because they aren’t accustomed to it. Maybe the word change brings up a memory of a big, monumental moment, or maybe just a change in the choices of your every day life. Either way, for some reason change is especially hard for college fellas like you and me. Why is that? As cheesy as it sounds, I believe it’s because we don’t embrace it. Throughout life (college especially), I have come to know three types of change. 

1. Forced change: This is when you have absolutely no control over the situation. Maybe you just got fired from your five year long job, or your family is moving. Whatever the situation, you did not plan for this. This type of change is commonly the most terrifying. 

2. Everyday change: This type of change is small, but still has a big impact on our overall life. It could include deciding to start a new diet and beginning to exercise, or maybe something as small as choosing a different purse to carry that you’re not used to. 

3. The 'What-if" change: This type of change is my favorite. It's the change people dream of, but never truly act on. Most people are too scared to confront this type of change because, honestly, it can be scary. This could be transferring colleges to your dream school, going on that trip you’ve always day-dreamed of, or applying for that job you’ve always wanted but never thought you would get.

Close your eyes and ask yourself: “What is the biggest dream you can dream of for your life?” Now ask yourself another question: “What is holding you back?” The answer is YOU. You are holding yourself back. Those three types of changes intertwine throughout our lives, causing depression, anxiety and underlying issues. A big, traumatic move at a young age can affect anxiety about everyday life change and often can have an outcome on fear of the future. When people have anxiety about change, they will never reach the “what-if” stage or make big life changes to follow their dreams.

So why does change scare us? A hair cut, deciding to order a different meal than your “regular” at your favorite restaurant, wearing a bold new outfit, or doing something huge in your life that your heart has always desired. All of this change brings mass amounts of anxiety upon our lives, but it shouldn’t. We should learn to embrace it. 

What if we chased the “what if” dreams in our life? Yes, change happens, but if you never go for change you will never know what you’re missing. Change leads to great things and new experiences, whether it's type 1, 2, or 3. It's something to be embraced! So take a deep breath, relax and greet the changes flying at you in this stage of your life. Change doesn’t have to be painful. Your whole life awaits.

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