When we were growing up we may have remembered our family members telling us the little saying, “ when life gives you lemons, make lemonade.” And if you grew up like me you may have remembered Forrest Gump saying, “Life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re gonna get”. These were the little sayings that we were told as kids so that we knew we had to make the most out of life. That even when we were too young to understand life we were taught life’s lesson.
Whenever we are given a problem we were taught to make the best of it. When it comes to a tragedy in a family one needs to remember all the memories that they have shared with that person. That yes, life is short but the memories you hold dearly with that person are long and they will continue on as long as you keep them with you. In life you need to be strong and need to remember that you only have one life to live.
That when family leaves there physical life, they are always with you. We are sad because they are no longer physically with us but they are always in our hearts. We may think its not fair or that they were taken from us to soon but, they taught us something that we will never forget. They taught us about friendship, about family and about love. When someone enters our lives that person some way, some how becomes part of us forever. Sometimes we forget how they even became part of our lives but non the less they are with us forever.
You see we were given this life, but we were never given "directions" on how to live it. We were always taught that you can never take life or love for granted. We can never take the little things for granted because if we do we will start contemplating the "what if" moments in life. What if i didn't meet that person or what if i took that opportunity instead of playing it safe. We are given these lessons to better ourselves so we don’t think about the “what ifs” in life. We cannot dwell on the "what if" only on what is to become on a new day. We were given life so we have an opportunity to give the next generations a better life then what we have because life is like a box of chocolate and we never truly know what we are going to get.