Eleven Ways To Help With That Gilmore Girls Revival Hangover | The Odyssey Online
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Eleven Ways To Help With That Gilmore Girls Revival Hangover

Now that the big release has hit our hearts, here's a little extra help to cushion your shift back to non-Stars Hallow-life.

Eleven Ways To Help With That Gilmore Girls Revival Hangover
The Berry

It was a big weekend for all Gilmore Girl fan's out there this year. Not only did we eat ... and eat and eat and eat, we also hit the ground running with the Gilmore Girls Revival that was released on November 25th. Now that we have all thanked the Netflix God's for this big gift of love, it might be time to actually find our way back to reality and here are eleven ways you can ease yourself back into the rest of the year.

1. Make a pro/con list of everything that you liked, and didn't like about the four episodes.

There was a lot of great things about the revival, and some not so great things. And everyone has their own opinion. Write your pro and con list and keep it in a journal or share it with the world! You can put it on a blog or email it to me (shannonjoy212@gmail.com)! In four whole episodes that resulted in six hours of fun, there has to be some opinions that come out of the woodwork.

2. Go to Starbucks for some coffee.

It may not be Luke's Diner, but take a page our of Lorelai's book, and just drink some coffee. Take a deep breath, relax, sip, maybe bring a book... It will feel good to just relax before heading back to work and school.

3. Write down your favorite pop-culture references and use one everyday.

Gilmore Girls is HIGHLY famous for its expert pop culture references, and the Revival didn't disappoint! Just in case you need a little cheat sheet, click HERE for a fabulous little guide.

4. Read a book or watch a movie that was referenced.

Unless you're a Pop Culture Wizard, you probably haven't read all of the books or seen all the movies that were referenced in the revival. If you have a little bit of extra time to go to the bookstore or the library, give a book a try. A few suggestions could include: Hamilton, On The Road, or The Picture of Dorian Gray.

Or if you're more into movies give Jerry Maguire, Halt and Catch Fire a try.

5. Start a Cyrano Revolution.

One reference that EVERYONE seems to be missing is the Cyrano de Bergerac reference in Episode 1. It's an amazing play. You can find a synopsis here, just to see what you're getting into. You can find a copy of the book here, or if you're not into reading, you can see the 1990 version of the movie. Click here to see the trailer.

6. Read Lauren Graham's book, Talking As Fast As I Can.

Her new book, a biography is being released this coming Tuesday!! You can pre-order a copy here and here.

7. Learn to tap dance your troubles away.

In Episode 1, we see Lorelai catching Rory tap dancing in the kitchen for a little midnight anxiety management. It might be fun to learn to tap dance, or draw, or any other anxiety-inducing activity that you might find attractive. Need some ideas for anxiety management activities? Click here! Seriously though, with finals and the holidays around the corner, you might as well keep some stress relief tucked away in your back pocket.

8. Designate yourself a lucky outfit.

Just don't spend an entire year looking for one!

9. Learn how to make super-good tacos.

The Gilmore Girls are still foodies, and taco's are never neglected in the Gilmore house. If you're at a loss, try here, here and here for some really good taco recipes.

10. Write your families legacy.

Or just write your stories. It doesn't need to be published and fancy. It can just be written in a journal, or on some loose-leaf-lined paper. You don't have to have the perfect mother and daughter relationship like Lorelai and Rory do. Just sit down and write some memories. I'm still reeling over Lorelai's Dad-at-the-mall story.

11. Hike the Pacific Coast Trail

Or, if you can't afford to travel all the way to the West Coast, plan a trip to the PCT and just pretend. Or, if you're a lot like me and could just use an escape, read Wild. I read Wild five years ago, and it made my heart MELT to see one of my biggest TV idols reading it too. (Thanks Lorelai.) But Cheryl Strayed and Lorelai's story is about so much more than actually hiking up the West Coast. Be inspired to be a strong woman, and set sail on your own path!

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