An eBook is an electronic book. It is time to progress with our studies, out with the old and in with the new. Textbooks are just a thing of the past at this point in our generation. There are many advantages for having an eBook in your life: eBooks have adjusting settings and more features, are portable and easy to travel with, and take up way less space than a crummy textbook. Also, textbooks have a bunch of disadvantages: textbooks are old and outdated, are way too expensive, and kill off too many trees.
No need to flip page to page anymore, that’s too tedious for this generation. With an eBook you can easily search the table of contents, search up the page and BAM, thank god for the almighty eBook. EBooks also contain way more than just letters. The user can also watch videos and listen to audios, which helps the user get a bigger picture of what the author is trying to convey. If you are the kind of person who prefers larger text, you may adjust the size of the text.
If you were to travel a lot and you love to read, isn’t much easier to carry a eBook than several books in case you don’t know what reading mood you’re in. With an eBook you can have several genres at once. You can easily take all your favorite books in a compact disk instead of walking around with several books.
Imagine replacing all the books in your bookshelf with an eBook. Yeah, it takes up less space doesn't it? EBooks would also save you a lot of space at home if you are a vigorous reader.
There are several disadvantages for using a textbook, but there are three in particular that makes the eBook superior. First, textbooks are too outdated and don't update the students on the subjects of the daily life. With an eBook, it can easily update itself to have recent events that occurred or books that have recently been released.
Another disadvantage is that textbooks are way too expensive for schools. Some can't even afford textbooks for a classroom, let alone an entire school. By buying eBooks for school, the demand for text would less expensive. It is estimated that students would save approximately 50 percent of the price of printed text. And we all know how much we hate lugging around the halls with several textbooks, eBooks would end the horror!
Lastly, one last disadvantage that the textbooks has is that it kills way too many trees. We live in a generation where we are becoming cautious about Mother Nature. Buying eBooks would save trees, which would mean much more oxygen for us. This would motivate everybody to go green. Also, with the low prices for books on eBooks, more books can be bought. Google is one of the online companies that are working hard to make as many books as possible available to the public.
It is a new age, time for a change, time for innovation. Let's throw away these tree-killing textbooks and rejoice with our brand new glorious eBooks!