Just like any other college student, my life is crazy busy and wildly unpredictable. Over the past two years, I have searched for balance through a one-fits-all quick fix. I have learned that balance is one of those things that is found seldom in a college lifestyle, and as I predict, throughout the rest of life. Here are simple steps I have taken to alleviate unnecessary stress, buy more time and feel somewhat like I have my life under control:
The Closet
I know this sounds haunting, but cleaning out your closet can instantly put your mind at ease. Go through and examine each item. If you haven't worn it in two years, odds are you are not going to in the next two. Learn to be unattached to material items, it is incredible what you can live (happily) without.
The Bathroom
If your shower is an empty bottle junkyard, this step is for you. Throw empty bottles, never used loofas and anything else away that is causing clutter. The less you have to dodge razorblades and bottle tops when your showering, the faster and more relaxed you can be.
The Backpack
If it is from last semester, take it out! Only have what you need in your backpack. Books weigh enough, and there is no need to lug around last year's math binder.
The Pantry
Have on stock what you need for the week. This not only saves space and stops the waste of food, but it helps you maintain a healthy diet. If you don't have it in your pantry, odds are you aren't going to run to the store for every midnight craving.
The Gym
An hour in the gym not only does the body good, but it gives your mind a moment to rest and be alone. Like Legally Blonde taught us all, endorphins make you happy!
The Planner
Get used to writing out your weekly tasks. You don't have to plan things down to the minute, but at least have an idea of the things you want to accomplish each day.