3. Eat a popsicle. | The Odyssey Online
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Health and Wellness

13 Easy things to do this Summer for Self-Care

Seasons change, and taking care of yourself may as well.

13 Easy things to do this Summer for Self-Care

It's been about three months since my last self-care list on how to practice self-care in college. But mental and physical illnesses do not exist only in the sad and dark winter, but in the bright summer as well. Below are some things that I do during the summer as a part of my self-care.

1. Have a Healthy Smoothie.

Nychele Kemper

My favorite flavor combos right now are chocolate peanut butter banana, and blueberry pomegranate. You can make your own and add yogurt, veggies, and protein powders, or buy them from a local smoothie or juice bar. They are nutritious and refreshing.

2. Eat a salad.

Nychele Kemper

Salads are fun because you can put nuts, fruit, seeds, meat, and veggies on the lettuce in any combination you want. Plus all those vitamins and the fiber will help your body maintain itself better.

3. Eat a popsicle.


These are good when a smoothie is just too much to manage. Edy's makes some really good ones that are made with real fruit and average around 60-80 calories each.

4. Cool Baths.


Everyone talks about taking warm cozy baths in the winter when everything is cold. But I recently discovered the beauty of a cool bath when the heat and humidity becomes unbearable. Use some bubble bath, a candle, listen to some music, and if you are feeling extra indulgent use a bath bomb. Ulta sells some from their brand that are made with essential oils and are free from synthetic perfumes.

5. Drink lots of water.


I know that a lot of people say this all the time and that it is not the root of all physical and mental problems, but it really does help things to be not quite as bad. It helps to buy a reusable water bottle and take it with you wherever you go.

6. Go outside for a few minutes and soak up some sun and fresh air.


But don't forget sunscreen if you plan on spending any lengthy amount of time outside.

7. Go on a walk.


Notice the different plants and the kinds of trees. Listen to the birds and watch for small woodland creatures: Chipmunks abound where I live and they are super happy.

8. Swing on some swings.


This doubles as both a soothing exercise and a workout, plus you are outside. Can be done alone or with a friend.

9. Eat cereal for dinner.


If you don't have time/energy to cook, cereal is a quick and easy option that won't heat up the whole house or make a lot of dishes.

10. Have a few easy mac cups or packets on hand.


These have a little more substance than cereal and only take a few minutes to make.

11. Take mini vacations.


For most of us, we can't afford to go on long, expensive vacations, so day trips are perfect. Visit a National or State park. Go boating on a lake (lots of public lakes have boats that you can rent out for the day). Visit the next town over or a new coffee shop in your own. For short overnight vacations stay with friends or family members or even in Airbnb's.

12. Make a piece of art.


This can be a painting, drawing, food, music, or even just coloring in a children's book or painting a rock a pretty color. Look, you made art!

13. Unplug from the internet for a few hours or a full day.


I usually still text people but I turn off the Wi-Fi and data to my phone for a day or so every few weeks and it gives me a chance to do a mental and time management reset.

I don't do everything every day, just as I need them. Remember, self-care is just as important in the summer as during the school year.

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