10. Oatmeal instead of cereal | The Odyssey Online
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21 Easy Food Swaps To Get Your Spring Break Bod

By switching foods for their similar, healthier alternatives, you can easily lose those extra pounds before your spring break vacation.

21 Easy Food Swaps To Get Your Spring Break Bod
Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash

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Everyone feels the need to go on these crazy diets leading up to their ultimate spring break beach vacation. But, as many people know, these diets can be extremely unhealthy and overall ineffective. Making healthy choices in your everyday life is what helps build healthy habits. By switching foods for their similar, healthier alternatives, you can easily lose those extra pounds before your spring break vacation. Try these 21 easy food swaps to decrease calories and promote weight loss:

1. Carrot chips instead of pita chipsĀ 

2. Almond butter instead of peanut butterĀ 

3. Cauliflower rice instead of white riceĀ 

4. Hummus instead of mayoĀ 

5. Lettuce wraps instead of flour wrapsĀ 

6. Sweet potato fries instead of french friesĀ 

7. Popcorn chips instead of potato chipsĀ 

8. Zucchini noodles instead of pastaĀ 

9. Greek yogurt instead of low-fat yogurtĀ 

10. Oatmeal instead of cerealĀ 

11. Dark chocolate instead of candiesĀ 

12. Almond milk instead of cow's milkĀ 

13. Plain greek yogurt instead of sour creamĀ 

14. Coffee instead of soda or energy drinksĀ 

15. Vinaigrettes instead of creamy salad dressingsĀ Ā 

16. Flavored water instead of fruit drinksĀ 

17. Turkey bacon instead of pork baconĀ 

18. Celery sticks instead of pretzelsĀ 

19. Mozzarella cheese instead of swiss cheeseĀ 

20. Cheese crisps instead of croutonsĀ 

21. Frozen yogurt instead of ice creamĀ 

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