23. A quote on where your life can take you | The Odyssey Online
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24 Dr. Seuss Quotes Every 20-Something Needs To Hear

We'll never outgrow Dr. Seuss.

24 Dr. Seuss Quotes Every 20-Something Needs To Hear

In honor of his birthday on March 2nd, I started realizing how many Dr. Seuss quotes still hold truth (some even more so) to my life today. He truly wrote some of the best works of our time that adults and children alike can both appreciate. With this, I've realized that this dude is truly inspirational and he has a ton of wise words that everyone in their 20s needs to hear.

We're all going through it and it seems that Dr. Seuss knows just how we feel.

1. A quote about living in the moment 


2. A quote about success


4. A quote on appreciating your life


5. A quote on when life gets overwhelming


6. A quote on going pursuing opportunities


7. A quote on who controls your future


8. A quote on overthinking


9. A quote on appreciating the moment


10. A quote on speaking your truths


11. A quote on keeping it all together


12. A quote on lifelong learning and bettering yourself


13. A quote on your impressions


14. A quote on living your life to the fullest


15. A quote on being yourself


16. A quote on going places in life


17. A quote on struggling


18. A quote on self-love


19. A quote on going after your dreams


20. A quote on being a work-in-progress


21. A quote on activism and changing your life


This is my all-time favorite Dr. Seuss quote.

22. A quote on being yourself


23. A quote on where your life can take you


24. A quote on stepping out into the world on your own


Happy birthday, Dr. Seuss, and thank you for your legacy!

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