As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I noticed an influx of my friends sharing a particular article entitled "Wait For That Guy," written by a fellow Odyssey community member. The article gained a considerable amount of traction, and more than five of my personal friends re-posted this article. The heart of the article is pure and well-intentioned but discloses a large amount of information about the way women view themselves and life just by the title. I am by no means undermining the fact that women should NEVER compromise their integrity for the sake of a relationship, but ...
I'm here to say, don't wait for THAT guy.
I grew up with the mentality that once I found the perfect man, my life would be complete. I would ride off into the sunset on a unicorn with my husband and life would be perfect.
But then I pulled my head out of Cinderella's ass.
We, as women, need to take charge of our own lives, start living for ourselves, and discover life on our own. We don't need to bide our time swiping through Tinder matches and evaluating every man we deem attractive that walks by as future husband material. We need to raise ourselves up to a higher standard.
Your life does not begin, nor end, when you find your soulmate. Your significant other should not function as your savior, but rather your complimentary equal.
So ladies, instead of waiting for the man who "makes you laugh," the man "who motivates you," and the man "who respects you," do those things for yourself. Love yourself, make yourself laugh and respect yourself more than basing your entire life's purpose on "waiting for a man."