Don't Date Him If ...
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Don't Date Him If ...

Never settle for anything less than your very own idea of perfection.

Don't Date Him If ...

As the wise and all-knowing Carrie Bradshaw once said, “Somewhere out there is another little freak who will love us and understand us and kiss our three heads and make it all better.” There’s someone for everyone, which is why no one should ever settle for a guy that is not worth their time. There’s a lot of dealbreakers that go into finding your very own “someone,” here are just a few reason for you to think twice about before dating him.

Don't date him if ...

You had to swipe right to get his attention.
Lets face it, social media does play an important role in deciding whether or not we want to date a guy. We are all guilty of Instagram-stalking a guy we're interested in just to see what he’s like, don't deny it. But, if his pictures on Tinder are the only thing tying you two together, than maybe you should reconsider it. Basing a relationship off of posted pictures is a definite way to be disappointed in the future.

He starts every story with “I got really drunk last night and …

We all know that one guy at a party who lost count of how many shots he took and subsequently made the curb his own personal bathroom. He’s usually not surrounded by girls, and if anything, he has made himself the star of a few Snapchat stories, but that's about it. So, if you desire a grown man who needs to be carried home every night, then by all means, date him. But for most of us, that's a major turn off. Save yourself the embarrassment, the cab ride home with him and the nasty cleanup to go along with it. He is not worth much if he can’t have a good time without getting blackout drunk every night.

He’s rude to the women in his life.
Possibly one of the biggest warning signs that you are about to date a HUGE jerk is if he treats any female around him with disrespect. Pay close attention to the way he talks about his mom, his sisters or his close girl friends. If the word “slut” (among other derogatory terms) are commonly used to describe any of them, then drop him. If he doesn't have the decency to treat important women in his life with respect, then he certainly isn’t going to change for you — and we all know you're better than that.

He’s always soo busy with his friends that he has no time for you.
Friends are totally an important aspect of college, and just life in general. Everyone needs to make time for their friends, but if that “friend time” is more important to this guy than date night or coming to support you at your dance recital, than he needs a major reality check. He’s old enough to be able to organize his priorities, and you should definitely be high up on the list.

You have to @mention him in order to talk.

Social media has a pretty tight grip on all of us. Who doesn't love to Instagram their breakfast or subtweet their friends? But when it comes to dating, if a guy can’t seem to put his phone down long enough to hold a conversation with you, that's a problem. What could possibly be so important on Snapchat that can't wait until later?

He’s controlling.
You are not a toddler that needs to be kept track of. You shouldn’t feel as if you have to report to your boyfriend with every little detail of your day. Furthermore, your boyfriend should not dictate every decision that you make. With that in mind, if your boyfriend seems to be making more decisions for you than with you, then maybe it’s time to make your own decision to leave him.

He wants to rush things.
A guy should always respect your boundaries, no excuses. It doesn’t matter what the topic, if something makes you uncomfortable, it should be OK to let him know how you feel. And if he has the least bit of maturity in him, he will understand and do everything he can to make you feel comfortable again. Every decision that you make together, should be a mutual decision.

You find yourself yawning way too often in his presence.

Nobody likes a couch potato. If you find yourself exerting more energy trying to pry him away from his video games, than when you go to the gym, that's a sign. A sign that he is a bore, and you deserve someone who actually appreciates the effort you put into the relationship.

He’s too secretive
Every guy (or girl for that matter) has the right privacy, but it can become a major roadblock in a relationship when a guy becomes too secretive. It’s important that a guy can open up to you about anything. If he’s hesitant to tell you where he’s going, or even walk away from his phone for more than 30 seconds, that can quickly become a problem. It might make you feel insecure that he’s acting so uptight around you all the time, and that's not how a boyfriend should ever make you feel.

He doesn't value your opinions

    If he’s constantly disregarding your input, telling you you’re wrong for no reason, or shutting down any ideas that you bring up, then why waste your time even talking to him? You don’t need such excess negativity in your life, especially from someone who is supposed to uplift you, not shoot you down all the time.

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