I have been a fairly competitive person my entire life, as a good amount of people tend to be. And who ever likes to be corrected? But we all know those people that can't help but correct something you say grammatically or politically or in whatever way they think you may be wrong. Some people "can't help it" and others just like the satisfaction of knowing a little more than the next guy. But from my perspective, I sure am glad that I am okay with not being perfect all the time and figuring things out as I go. Although I am a perfectionist, when it comes to knowledge I believe not only can someone truly not know everything, but we will continuously be learning throughout our lives.
I love meeting new people and doing new things for that exact reason. Our lives are meant to be lived to the fullest and you can't do that unless you are constantly trying to expand your horizons in some way. Whether you meet the wisest person in the world or you watch as a toddler walks around a room for the first time, you can always learn something by seeing things differently. In today's world, we tend to close our minds and interpret our surroundings in a singular way without allowing the potential of multiple perspectives. We are incredibly engrossed in our technology and our own personal life that we don't always notice things happening around us.
One thing thing that has really stood out to me lately is the opinions formed based off of news and political affiliated issues. We all like to think that we are open-minded and forgiving, but the reality of the situation is in the modern day, we tend to be the opposite. We soak in the media coverage and news of crisis surrounding our lives and we think we know the solution. It is almost natural for us to think that if we were in charge or had an ounce of power that the problem at hand would be quickly neutralized. Which when you take a step back, you know that is not the case and it isn't even close to being that simple.
With that said, maybe it's time for us to realize that we truly don't know it all. We could all use a little break to stop and have a much needed reality check. I think it is more than fair to say that none of us really have all the answers or the solutions to the world's problems. If all the people out there put half the energy into helping different issues as they did forcing their opinions and arguments on others, it would be shocking to see how many problems could be solved. Plus there would be a lot more happiness and peace in the world, and who doesn't want that?