Everyone is shy, even the most extroverted person thinks about whether or not to talk to the person eating alone or reaching out to someone that clearly isn't from here. It can be extremely hard to put yourself out there and be vulnerable to what other people might have to say. Who doesn't want to make new friends? Or meet nice new people, but we don't know how they're going to be until someone takes the first step.
We often think that we're going to be rejected and just with that thought alone, it's enough to make us keep to ourselves. Think about how you feel when someone reaches out to you. Compliments your shirt or simply just says hi passing by. It brightens your day and makes you want to repay that kindness to someone else.
Recently I had a teacher say some very powerful words to me. She said "you are the ambassador of wherever you are. At this university, of your city, and your country." I had never thought of it like that. Most people don't like to be noticed, wanting to avoid any judgment Everyone appreciates a compliment, or a helping hand, or just a smiling face.
How people view you is how they come to view all people like you. From the group, you're apart of or your hair color. You are a living impression of the people you're around.
By stepping out of your comfort zone when no one else will, you lead a movement of care and compassion for others. how you treat other people has such a rippling effect, and it's up to you to decide if it's for better or worse.
My teacher said this to me because I had reached out to one of the foreign exchange students in my class. I was intimidated, I didn't speak their language and I was afraid that I would embarrass them, or myself, by saying too much and not being understood. Nonetheless, I decided to just say hi and introduce yourself. Kept it simple, an act of kindness and empathy.
I'm so glad that I reached out to him. He looked at me with the biggest smile on his face and the kindest eyes and introduced himself. We chatted for a few moments about what he was going to school for and where he is from. Then he said, "thank you for speaking to me, no one has introduced themselves to me and I'm too afraid to go up to someone because I don't speak very good English."
My heart burst into about a thousand pieces. I was overjoyed that I had taken a moment to meet this genuine, nice guy, but broken at the same time that no one from my university had taken the time to get to know him.
We talked for maybe five minutes, exchanged phone numbers and clearly made his day. Along with mine. We are now friends and I am getting to know more about him and his culture, which never would've happened if I didn't say hello.
Recently I've been trying to put myself out there more for people. Trying to be someone that notices people and makes them feel important for just a few minutes. Affecting someone's day for the better, drastically changes your day as well. Doing something for others is often the best thing you can do for yourself.