Do It With Your Planner | The Odyssey Online
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Do It With Your Planner

If we have phones that redirect our route away from traffic jams, then why not be your own life-size savvy application.

Do It With Your Planner

With the amount of resources we have at the tip of our fingers, it’s almost embarrassing to admit that most of us let them go unused. Big dreams call for even bigger steps in action. You need to make sure that all of the forces are lined up in your favor. Whether you want to improve your time management skills or get more done during the day, utilizing the power of the written word is the next step for you. When you have an idea, writing it down brings it that much more to life.

With that being said, writing a task down is only a sliver of the process. You might “know” all of the things you want to get done and accomplish, but you need to work through all of the kinks that might steer you away. Back in the day, we had maps. Today we have apps that not only direct us to our destination, but also recommend faster routes that remove you from accidents or traffic jams. If we have phones that do this, then why not be your own life-size savvy application. Write down what you want, construct a plan, review the plan, and adjust it to help you beat any possible “jams”. After putting my killer planner to use, I realized it’s not so much about having things written down, but rather structuring them in a way where you make your dreams your slave — not the other way around. Now that you have a well-reviewed plan put into practice and go make it happen!

At this point, the link between focus and will gets tested. When your morning alarm goes off are you quick to snooze in or do you get up on the first buzz? This is exactly what you will face when you set reminders on your phone or write them down in your planner. It’s as simple as picking up milk on the way home. You set a reminder on your phone, but it’s been a long day and you just want to slip into your loungewear. Obviously, I am going to tell you to go get the milk, but let me take it a little deeper. There is absolutely nothing wrong with snoozing in the morning, at least in my opinion, but when it comes to making decisions I always like to go for the hardest one. I’ll let you think of your own example, but it’s the hardest choices that come with even tougher decisions. That alone is what will push you to excel, face change, and ultimately grow into the person you are working to become.

We are all trying to be great. We like to think we’re so great at multi-tasking while we walk around with our palm to our ears as we walk to important meetings. There are countless studies and articles that relate to whether or not multi-tasking is healthy or even possible, but I believe that with a little bit of constructive juggling you can get very far.

Writing an article, listening to music, and keeping up with your group chat is not constructive. If you have your planner organized and built to destruct, then you’ll know that you can get laundry started while you edit a video and wait for dinner to finish in the oven.

Taking care of multiple tasks without sacrificing the attention each one requires leaves room for you to do more without compromising the quality of your work and attention to detail.

What are some other ways you reach your goals and make things happen?

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