If you mess up, try using "Color Oops." | The Odyssey Online
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9 Tips If You're Dyeing Your Hair At Home For The First Time

Before you make a mess of your bathroom, you're going have to take some precautions.


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I've always loved to change the way my hair looks, whether it's a new hairstyle or cutting off inches, but my most favorite thing to do is to dye it a new color. I've always loved the looks of having non-natural hair colors but I could never do it since the schools I attended did not allow it.

Once I graduated high school, I knew that I wanted to do something new with my hair, so I finally decided to dye it pink. For me, dying my hair has always been something that has brought me joy because it's something different and exciting to do. I always dye my hair myself, so after doing this many times, I've finally learned how to do so without making myself look like a fool.

Don't trust the color on the box.

Make sure you do your research on how the color on the box will work with your hair color. A color will look different on blonde hair and brown hair, so if you're looking for a certain color, make sure you figure out how it will look with your hair color. If you have virgin hair (meaning that you've never dyed it before) the color will be brighter than if you've dyed your hair before.

Use sulfate-free shampoo.

Even if you're not planning on dying your hair, sulfate-free shampoo should be used since it'll keep the moisture in your hair and using sulfate-free shampoo after dying your hair will allow the color to last longer.

Vaseline is a must have.

Before you start to dye your hair, put some Vaseline on your ears, hairline, and neck so that when you get hair dye on those parts, it will be easier for it to wash off.

Use gloves.

If you do not use gloves, you'll have dye all over your hands and that will not be any fun trying to get that off. In my experience, box dyes usually come with a pair of gloves that are attached to the instructions.

Section your hair. 

This is very important because if you do not section off your hair, then you'll run into the problem of having the color come off as patchy. You'll need to section your hair so that you don't miss any spots.

Wear clothes you don't care about. 

Dyeing your hair is a very messy process, so you'll end up getting some on your clothes. Just wear an outfit that you don't care much about since you'll get dye on it.

Take the mats out of the bathroom. 

For the same reason as wearing clothes you don't care about, you may get dye on the floor, so you want to take the mats out of your bathroom so that in case of a spill, you don't ruin your bath mats.

After washing the color out, use a towel that you don't care about. 

After washing the color out of your hair, it'll stain the towel, so you'll want to use an old towel that you're okay with staining. But don't worry, it won't be like this every time you wash your hair; only the first few washes leave stains.

If you mess up, try using "Color Oops." 

If after dyeing your hair you decide that you don't like the color or you messed up, then you can use "Color Oops" and it will allow you to take the color out of your hair.

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