3. We believe Joseph Smith was a prophet called of God to establish His church | The Odyssey Online
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8 Things Your Mormon Friends Want You To Know About Their Religion

As a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, I'd like to clear up a few misconceptions about my beliefs.

8 Things Your Mormon Friends Want You To Know About Their Religion

Having been a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints for nearly 11 years, I've long since arrived at the conclusion that a disproportionate number of peoples' opinions and aversions towards my religion are based on misunderstandings or widely spread false information rather than first-hand experience with the church.

Whenever casual conversation steers towards religion, it's become a reflex for me to brace myself at any mention of Mormons and begin mentally preparing myself for a defense. It seems like even as people have become more tolerant regarding different faiths and open to learning about their practices, there is still a considerable lack in outside understanding of what it means to be a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.

After spending quite some time mulling over another experience with having to correct harmful and inaccurate statements about my church during a class, I decided it was time to set the record straight about what I believe and allow people to make their own judgments based on information that I know to be true.

1. We are Christians

We believe in a loving and merciful God and worship him through His son Jesus Christ. We believe that Christ is a divine being who was sent to earth to proclaim the Lord's gospel, atone for our sins, and fulfill all righteousness.

2. We believe in the Godhead

We also believe in the Godhead which is comprised of the God the Father, His son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost. We differ from our fellow Christians in the fact that we believe the members of the Godhead to be three separate beings but one in purpose.

3. We believe Joseph Smith was a prophet called of God to establish His church 

One major misconception surrounding our faith is the belief that we worship Joseph Smith. We only worship God, and we revere Joseph as the prophet who restored the Lord's church that is on the earth today.

4. We have a living prophet who guides our church today 

Our current prophet and president, Russell M. Nelson, has been appointed by God to receive revelation and guidance for the church as a whole. A prophet is an "... inspired {man} called to speak for the Lord, as did Moses, Isaiah, Peter, Paul, Nephi, Mormon, and other prophets of the scriptures. We sustain the President of the Church as prophet, seer, and revelator—the only person on the earth who receives revelation to guide the entire Church." -https://www.lds.org/topics/joseph-smith?lang=eng

5. We believe the Book of Mormon is another testament of Jesus Christ

Another misunderstanding about our beliefs lie in our use of the Book of Mormon. The Book of Mormon's role is not to replace the Bible, it's another testimony of Christ's gospel that we use in addition to New and Old Testament.

6. The church as a whole is a diverse group

While members of our church are united by shared beliefs, we are all individuals of various ethnic and racial backgrounds, who hold our own political and social beliefs. There is no standard for what a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints should look like, aside from someone who strives to exemplify Christ's love for everyone and follow his gospel.

With that being said, hypocrites, pretenders, and radicals can be found in any group. "Judge individual members of our church on their actions if you must; do not judge our church on the actions of individual members." - my friend Mose Norman.

7. We do not hate the LGBTQ community

We believe that God loves each and every single one of us as his children and we are commanded to love everyone in that same fashion. Some members of the church are also members of the LGBTQ community. We are taught to respect and honor the agency of others while still holding our own beliefs. While we maintain that God intends marriage to be between a man and a woman in a temple for reasons pertaining to salvation and life after death, we recognize that we are in no place to condemn anyone.

8. The sole focus of our interactions is not to convert people

Please understand that if you're approached by missionaries, have friends who are members of the church, or are even dating one, we don't form relationships with people with the sole intent to convert you. While some members may be more forthcoming than others, we all only want to share what our beliefs and have no intent to force them on others.

I invite anyone with further questions about the church or what we believe as Latter-Day Saints to inquire. Ask a member, go to https://www.lds.org/?lang=eng, and learn for themselves.

DM me on insta if you have anymore questions @p_sherman_wallabyway_sydnee

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