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19 Of The Best Holiday Episodes From Your Favorite Disney Channel And Nickelodeon Shows

Nickelodeon and Disney created the best holiday episodes to help get you into the holiday spirit.

19 Of The Best Holiday Episodes From Your Favorite Disney Channel And Nickelodeon Shows
Disney Channel

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We all know Nickelodeon and Disney aren't the same as they were back in the day, so it's always nice to reminisce on what once was. Every episode had a lesson to be learned, and they were often packed with meaningful moments of family and friendship.

Some of the best throwback Disney and Nick episodes were the ones that focused on the best time of year: the holiday season! Watching my favorite television characters get into the Christmas spirit always made me look forward to the month of December.

1. "The Suite Life of Zack and Cody"  "Christmas at the Tipton"

It was so sweet seeing Cody try to get his parents back together, and although he failed, the show proved that every family is different, but that doesn't mean they love each other any less. Also, I must note that Arwin may be one of Disney's most hilarious characters of all-time.

2. "Big Time Rush" "Big Time Christmas"

This Christmas special included duets with Miranda Cosgrove and Snoop Dogg. What can get more iconic than that? Katie's attempt to get Mr. Bitters in the Christmas spirit always reminds me what Christmas is all about: spending time with your loved ones!

3. "iCarly" "iChristmas"

When Carly wishes Spencer was born "normal," her whole world gets turned upside down. Mitch, her guardian angel, shows her what the world would be like had Spencer been born without his weird and unique personality. With its apparent references to the classic Christmas film, "It's a Wonderful Life," this episode shows that although families may fight, you're stuck with them forever; and that's a good thing!

4. "Drake and Josh" "Merry Christmas, Drake and Josh!"

This might be one of the best Christmas episodes ever. In an attempt to stay out of jail, Drake promises a young girl and her foster family that he will give them the best Christmas ever. Between all the mishaps and failed attempts along the way, Drake and Josh somehow show the foster family how much they care about giving them a memorable Christmas. This reminds any viewer that Christmas is the time to think of those less fortunate than you.

5. "That's So Raven" "Escape Claus"

After having a vision of her opening up a beautiful necklace on Christmas, Raven decided to wear her new present a bit early. When she loses it at school, she ends up sacrificing all of her favorite Christmas traditions in order to replace it in time. This episode reminds us that Christmas isn't about gifts and being materialistic; it's about spending time with family while doing all of your favorite holiday traditions!

6. "SpongeBob SquarePants" "Christmas Who"

SpongeBob spreads the joyous news to all the people of Bikini Bottom after hearing about the wonderful holiday of Christmas. The town under the sea prepares for Santa's arrival, but when he doesn't show, Squidward attempts to cheer everyone up by posing as St. Nick. Even those who act like Scrooge can prove to have a big heart when they are touched by the spirit of Christmas.

7. "The Naked Brothers Band Christmas Special"

Heartbroken over Rosalina, Nat can't seem to find his Christmas spirit, which is evident in his song "Christmas Stinks." After hearing a speech about a man that is homeless, but never gave up hope of a better future, Nat finds his holiday spirit and writes a duet with Natasha Bedingfield titled "Yes We Can."

8. "Phineas & Ferb" "Christmas Vacation"

When Dr. Doofenshmirtz attempts to ruin Christmas for the entire city of Danville, Phineas and Ferb do their best to get Santa Claus to come to town. With the help of friends and even some elves from the North Pole, the two create a memorable Christmas for every member of their community. Plus, it's a musical, which makes it ten times better. You're never too old to believe in the spirit of Christmas, no matter what Candace says!

9. "Even Stevens" "Heck of a Hanukkah"

Louis manages to ruin all of the Hanukkah presents, and after his family becomes furious with him, he wishes he was never born. One of his ancestors appears and shows Louis just how important he is to his family, no matter how much trouble he may cause them. This episode also tells the story of Hanukkah and is one of the only Disney episodes to highlight the holiday!

10. "Good Luck Charlie" "A Duncan Christmas"

Teddy deals with the very real annoyances of trying to get a picture with Santa in the mall, and the rest of the Duncan group tries to prepare for their annual family talent show. This holiday episode gives us a very sweet Christmas song performed by Teddy and Spencer and reminds us that Christmas is all about family.

11. "Lizzie McGuire" "Aaron Carter's Coming to Town"

When Aaron Carter comes to town to shoot a new music video, Lizzie, Miranda, and Gordo all sneak onto the set. With a bit of Christmas luck, Miranda and Lizzie find themselves in Aaron Carter's music video, and Lizzie even gets a kiss from him under the mistletoe. Holiday miracles are real!

12. "The Proud Family" "Seven Days of Kwanzaa"

In this holiday episode, Penny invites a homeless family to celebrate Christmas with the Prouds. The family teaches them about the holiday of Kwanzaa, and the values in African culture. It's a heartwarming moment to see the Proud family learn about a new holiday and open their home to those less fortunate than them, especially during the holidays!

13. "Sonny with a Chance" "A So Random! Holiday Special"

This episode contained tons of holiday sketches and was hosted by my personal favorite Jo-Bro: Joe Jonas! At the end of the show, Sonny and Joe performed a holiday duet together. Fun fact: they sing the same song as Teddy and Spencer did in "A Duncan Christmas!"

14. "Austin & Jessie & Ally: All Star New Year"

What's better than a Disney crossover? In this episode, Austin Moon and the gang fly to New York to perform at Times Square on New Year's Eve. In between all the chaos, they meet Jessie and the kids she babysits, who help Austin get to the performance on time. Let's be honest, we all know Austin Moon had some undeniable hits, especially in this episode.

15. "Kim Possible" "A Very Possible Christmas"

Kim never stops saving the day, even during the holidays! In an attempt to let Kim spend Christmas with her family, Ron takes the distress call and tries to defeat Dr. Drakken himself. Of course, he can't do it, so Kim and her family put their holiday on hold in order to save Ron. Drakken, Shego, and Kim put their differences aside and decide to spend Christmas together; even enemies can make up during the holidays!

16. "Suite Life on Deck" "A London Carol"

London learns an important holiday lesson when she decides she doesn't want to share any of her wealth with children during the holiday season (shocking, isn't it?). When her talking mirror shows her the Christmases of past, present, and future, she learns to be more generous, especially to those less fortunate than her.

17. "Hannah Montana" "The End of Jake as We Know It"

During the filming of her "Hannah Montana Holiday Special", Miley discovers that Jake cheated on her when he was away shooting a movie. After she tells him he's not getting another chance, she spends the holidays with her friends and family, and she realizes how lucky she is to have such great people in her life.

18. "Fairly Odd Parents" "Christmas Every Day!"

When Timmy wishes for Christmas every day of the year, he soon realizes how much holiday magic is lost when Christmas isn't just celebrated once. Santa is overworked, and all businesses and schools are closed 365 days of the year, making it impossible for his parents to make any money. Because Cosmo and Wanda transfer their magic to Santa on Christmas Eve, it's up to Timmy to change back the calendar and fix the mess he created.

19. "Rugrats" "The Santa Experience"

In this Christmas episode, Angelica learns that the only way to keep herself off the naughty list is to try to make up for all of her bad mistakes in the past. Meanwhile, the babies attempt to trap Santa Claus through a series of booby traps. This episode highlights the indescribable feeling that comes with Christmas, especially when you're a kid.

Happy Holidays!

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