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12 Disney Movies That Netflix Needs To Add In Place of All The 'Buddies' Movies

There are 12 of those dog movies on Netflix--who is watching those?

12 Disney Movies That Netflix Needs To Add In Place of All The 'Buddies' Movies

If you're a Disney fanatic, you might have noticed that Netflix has a wide selection of Disney movies to choose from. But in this selection, there are not one, not two, but TWELVE "Buddies" movies. I'm talking "Air Buddies", "Space Buddies", "Treasure Buddies", etc. etc. It's ridiculous! Who is watching ANY of those movies? I really don't think anyone is, and if there is anyone, do they really need all twelve? Here are 12 Disney movies that I think Netflix should add in place of all those films.

1. "Peter Pan"


It's a classic and I'm confused as to why it's not already on Netflix.

2. "Lady and the Tramp"


We already know Netflix loves dog movies with their 12 "Buddies" movies, but if you want a quality dog movie, then "Lady and the Tramp" is where it's at.

3. "The Little Mermaid"


This needs to be on Netflix simply because Aerial is my favorite Disney princess and I'm salty that I can't ever watch this movie because it's not available on Netflix.

4. "Oliver and Company"


Once again @Netflix, if you want dog movies please consider putting up the most under appreciated Disney movie that features a bunch of dogs and a cat.

5. "The Lion King"


Kind of shocked that this isn't already available to watch on Netflix because it's kind of the most popular Disney movie ever.

6. "The Incredibles"


And when the second one comes out on DVD, make sure to put it up on Netflix too.

7. "Dumbo"


Dumbo is too cute to not be on Netflix.

8. "The Princess and the Frog"


The soundtrack is amazing and so is Princess Tiana. Add it to the queue!

9. "The AristoCats"


A few years ago this used to be on Netflix, but now it's not! What happened to it, did one of the "Buddies" take its place? Add it back!

10. "Monsters, Inc."


A genuinely funny movie that has Billy Crystal and John Goodman as the voice actors--I mean honestly, what more could you want?

11. "Cinderella"


Bippity Boppity Boo this movie onto Netflix, please.

12. "Mary Poppins"


It's Julie Andrews! Do you need anything else to back this argument up?

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This article has not been reviewed by Odyssey HQ and solely reflects the ideas and opinions of the creator.
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