My love for football started when I was a child. I always wore an Auburn cheerleading uniform to my high school football games (thanks Mom) and my family went to many Auburn football games in my same cheerleading uniform on Saturdays. But I honestly had no idea what a first down was. Football to me was a sport where people tackled people, but I still loved it.
When I started middle school I decided I was going to start watching pre-season NFL football every night it came on. I loved sounding cool in front of the boys when I could tell them who played the night before. I remember watching a girl interview the players on the field after the game, and I thought to myself one day that’s what I want to do.
Flash forward eight years and here I am a journalism student at Auburn carrying out my love for football as a Tigerette. No, that’s not a majorette. Tigerettes and Tiger Hosts are the official hostesses and host of the Auburn Athletic Complex and we help with football recruiting. My game day starts way earlier than the average joe’s, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. Every home game I get the honor of showing a recruit and his family around all day. I get to eat with them, hang out with them on the field during pre-game, and watch the game with them. You have to love football to do this because you are selling Auburn’s football program. Being apart of TTH (Tigerettes and Tiger Hosts) is like nothing you’ve ever experienced. Tons of greeks are involved, and instead of wearing our sorority buttons we are only concerned with Auburn football. It is great. We spend so much time together and create great memories throughout the entire football season. Saturday was the first football game and the start of my second season being a Tigerette.
The feeling I get as I step on the field is one for the books. Being a Tigerette shows me a different perspective of a football program, and it makes me love football even more. I know there are many sides to an Auburn game day, and I encourage everyone for at least one season to try to be apart of something bigger than the student section. You won’t regret it.