Let's pretend it's Thanksgiving for a moment. We're going to go around the table and say what we're truly thankful for. And because this is my piece, I'll go first (and second, and third, and every other turn after that...sorry).When I stepped foot on Faulkner's campus I had no intention of being apart of a study group, let alone a social club full of girls that I didn't know. God has a plan for everything, and he sure did do his thing when he brought me to Delta. So why not share with you lovely people reading this article a few of the reasons why I adore Delta Xi Omega.
1. I don't have friends, I have sisters.
Moving out of my city seemed like a Lifetime movie scene when I had to sadly say goodbye to my sisters on move-in day. My thoughts consisted of, "Who will watch cartoons with me on Saturday?" and "Great, now I'll have to take clothes from my own closet." I found new relation in a few of my club members. I never watch trashy, reality television, make last minute adventures to Taco Bell or have the occasional meltdowns alone. It's also a big plus that some of the ladies share the same dress size.
2. I've learned the value of healthy competition.
Don't let the perfectly-coiffed ponytails and mega cute, war paint fool you. When those girls play, they play hard. Whether it's choreographed dance shows, intramural sports or raising funds for a noble cause, the ladies of Delta Xi Omega go above and beyond to come out on top. Even in those times where they don't bring home the win, I've never known a group that can bow out as as graciously and celebrate as if they are walking away with a trophy every single time.
3. The original party animals.
Holiday parties, celebration parties, bridal showers and socials. No one does it like Delta Xi. Now I'm not one to shy away from a perfectly good dance floor myself, but if I was born a wallflower, I'm sure those girls would have converted me in no time. No one attending these "buggie bashes" ever sit alone in quiet corners, leave hungry or depart without lasting memories and a few post-party selfies posted on Instagram.
4. You will craft, and you will like it.
Even if you've never touched a hot glue gun in your life, it creeps up on you and then it slowly becomes your new existence. I've learned to embrace the scent of quick drying markers and take advantage of those heaven-sent Hobby Lobby discount codes. It's as if Martha Stewart herself came and gave a seminar. As a matter of fact, you know what the article needs? Glitter.
5. My big.
She's sweet, she's hilarious and she is more than willing to sit with me and eat alarming amounts of chocolate. Could I have hit the jackpot any harder? We share the same sarcastic attitude and I can't remember what life was like before I met her. Let's also not neglect to mention the fact that my freshman dorm wasn't skimpy on the red, black and spotted, thanks to the Craft Queen herself. There's perfection, and then there's my big.
6. Epsilon Phi Upsilon.
We roll our eyes and call them annoying, but honestly, there isn't a better group of brothers out there. I've sat back and observed my sisters and brother club argue with each other, laugh together, celebrate together and pray for and with one another. Each time, I am more and more moved by the sight. And make no mistake, a party isn't a party until the dawgs walk in! We voice that they are immature at times and I know for a fact they wouldn't mind having a pair of earmuffs handy when we cheer and chant like there's no tomorrow, but when it really comes down to Epsilon, "We love them sooooooo much."
You could offer me an eternity, and it still wouldn't be enough time to relay every little thing I adore about that crazy swarm of Ladybugs. These are the type of women that you would want to stand by you on your wedding day, be god parents to your future children, and be your sisters in Christ until you move on into the next realm of life. I have been in some dark places in my 19 years of living, and the ladies of Delta have become my flashlights. Do we always see eye-to-eye? No. But will I stand behind every single one of them if they need me to? That answer couldn't be more of a yes. Those girls leave a trail of grace and favor wherever they venture, and they exude beauty inside and out. I found my home. Home is where the heart is. And part of my heart lies with Delta Xi Omega. Word to your Mother Bug!